日期:2017-07-20 09:46



So many of the devices we use every day have batteries
and it seems like everyone has their own rituals for making them last
Some people store them in the fridge or unplug as soon as the battery is charged
有人把电池放在冰箱里 有人在电池充满后就马上拔掉电源
or even insist on only charging when the battery is on the brink of dying.
But when it comes to charging the batteries in things like your phone and laptop,
it turns out that many of these strategies don't do very much.
And some are actually counter productive. Batteries work using electrons that try to flow between electrodes.
事实上 有些还会适得其反 电池的放电原理是电子在两个电极之间的流动
But they're blocked by an electrolyte, which only lets charges flow when the two sides are directly connected by wires.
但是电子在电池内部的移动受到电解质的阻碍 只有当电池两极被外部电线连接时才会产生电流
Once all the electrons have reached the positive electrode,
the battery is considered discharged, meaning it's out of power.
电池则放电完毕 电量耗尽
Recharging the battery just involves pushing those electrons back onto the negative electrode to reset the whole process.
对电池重新充电涉及到一个过程 即通过外部的能量使电子重新回到负极 由此电池得以再次放电
All rechargeable batteries lose the ability to hold charge over time
as the electrolyte breaks down and the pieces wear out.
But what those pieces are made of determines a lot about how to make a battery last as long as possible.
但电池电极的制作材料 很大程度上决定了让电池寿命更久的方法
A lot of those battery life myths you might hear apply to nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries.
你听到的很多关于延长电池寿命的小窍门 仅适用于镍镉和镍氢电池
The kind you might have in your TV remote.
With those, because of the chemical reaction that produces the electrons,
it really is better to let them run all the way down before recharging them,
and to stop charging pretty much as soon as they're fully charged.
Otherwise, crystals can form on the electrolyte and the batteries can break
否则会在电池极板上产生许多晶体 导致电池损坏
or at least not hold as much charge as they should.




But most portable devices these days, like your phone and your laptop, use lithium-ion batteries which work differently.
但如今大多数便携式设备 如手机和笔记本电脑 使用的锂离子电池其工作原理不同
Lithium-ion batteries do get damaged if they're overcharged
but the batteries and chargers are usually designed to stop charging before that happens.
但电池和充电器通常拥有自动在过度充电前 停止充电的功能
So you don't have to worry about unplugging your phone or laptop as soon as it's charged.
因此您无需考虑在手机或笔记本电脑充电后 立即拔下电源插头的问题
And waiting until lithium-ion batteries are close to dead before charging them
can actually make their lives up to 5 times shorter than always charging before they dip below 70%.
The higher the charge before you plug in, the longer the battery will last.
充电前电量越高 电池寿命越长
With that said, if you have something that tells you
因此 如果想要一个指标
how much time you have left on your battery, not just the percentage,
来衡量电池剩余使用时间 而不只是可用电量的百分比
you should fully discarge it about once a month to help the computer recalibrate its estimate.
你应该每个月进行一次完全放电 帮助电脑重新校正电池总使用时间的估计值
But the biggest thing that affects all batteries is temperature.
Electrochemical reactions happen faster when it's hotter.
温度越高 电化学反应越快
So batteries do break down faster in prolonged heat.
But that doesn't mean you should store your batteries in the freezer.
The air in the freezer, or in the bag with batteries in it you put in the freezer
冰箱里的空气 或者用来放进冰箱的装电池的袋子里的空气
has plenty of water vapor just waiting for a place to crystallize into ice.
含有大量水蒸气 能快速依附在介质上结晶成冰
And you really, really don't want wet, icy batteries.
没人想要一个湿漉 结冰的电池吧
So if you want your phone and laptop batteries to last, keep them plugged in as much as possible.
所以如果想要手机或笔记本电脑的电池寿命更长 应该尽可能让它们多充电
And no matter what kinds of batteries you're storing, they'll be just fine if you stick them in a drawer.
不管你用的是哪种电池 储存的时候放在抽屉里就行了
Thanks to Patreon patron Dorian for asking this question and thanks to all of our patrons who keep these answers coming.
感谢来自Patreon的用户Dorian提出的这个问题 感谢在Patroen上不断为大家提供解答的所有用户
If you'd like to submit a question to be answered, just go to patreon.com/scishow.
如果你想提交一个问题供别人解答 只需访问patreon.com/scishow
And don't forget to go to youtube.com/scishow and subscribe.
别忘了去youtube.com/scishow 观看和订阅我们的视频

  • remoteadj. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的,(感情等)距离很大 n
  • productiveadj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的
  • temperaturen. 温度,气温,体温,发烧
  • reactionn. 反应,反作用力,化学反应
  • vaporn. 蒸汽
  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定
  • patronn. 赞助人,保护人,老主顾
  • drawern. 抽屉,拖曳者,制图员,开票人 (复)drawers
  • countern. 计算器,计算者,柜台 [计算机] 计数器 adj.
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉