日期:2017-07-18 15:44



So I have a question for you. How many millennials are here? Millennials?
我想问你们个问题 这有多少千禧之子?千禧一代?
Yeah, yeah. Aw, the energy of the millennials.
好 好 啊 千禧一代的能量
I'm not sure if you know this but a millennial is a person born between the years of 1980 and 2000.
我不太确定你们是否知道 千禧之子是出生在1980-2000年的人
So- Suddenly we have more millennials. Well, then I'm a millennial, yeah.
那么…突然我们就有了更多的千禧之子 嗯 我是千禧之子 是的
I just missed the cutoff just by a little bit.
But I read a study about millennials, and


I'm saying this from a place of love, I am worried about you.
出于爱我得说这些 我很担心你们
Listen to this, a group of them were surveyed, and them, cuz not you,
听听啊 他们中的一群人调查 他们 因为不是你们
it's them, were surveyed to see how hard they're willing to work for things.
他们调查想要了解 他们有多努力地愿意为某事工作
And this is absolutely true. 40% said that eating cereal is too hard. 40%.
这是千真万确的 40%的人认为吃麦片太难了 40%
They say that it's an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.
他们说这是一个不方便的早餐类型 因为他们吃完了还得洗干净
I would leave that off your resumes. I would. Cleaning a bowl is so easy.
我会把它写进你的简历 我会的 刷碗太简单了
I can't think of anything that's easier, which means that thinking of something
我不能想象还有比这更简单的事了 我的意思是
that's easier than cleaning a bowl that's harder than just cleaning a bowl.
考虑那些比刷碗更简单的事 比直接去刷碗要艰难
What is so hard? You pour the cereal into a bowl.
有什么难的呢? 你把麦片倒进碗里
And then you get a spoon and put some almond milk or whatever type of thing you put in with it.
拿出一个勺子 倒进一些杏仁牛奶 或者其他你想要搭配的东西
Then you eat and then you put it in the sink and then you go off to work, entertaining the world.
然后吃完它 把它放进水池里 然后你去工作 享受生活
Then you get home and it's gone, in the cabinet, back in the cabinet.
然后你回到家里 它不见了 它在橱柜里 它回到了橱柜
They surveyed the parents of millennials and a lot of them said that they don't make their kids do chores.
他们调查了千禧之子的父母们 他们中的很多都说 他们不会让孩子做家务
Which seems like a complete waste of kids to me. I mean, that's.
对我来说 这对孩子完全是一种浪费 我的意思是 那是
Yeah, right. I grew up in such a different time, we didn't have apps to do everything for us.
是 对的 我 我成长在一个如此不同的时代 我们没有应用程序来为我们做任何事
Now there's an app for everything. There's an app that gets you grocery.
现在有程序可以做所有事 有程序可以让你买杂货
There's an app that someone will drive you wherever you wanna go.
There's an app where you can get a baby daddy from swiping right.
I don't want to sound like your mother,
but breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not start your day with this.
但是早餐是一天中最重要的一餐 为什么不用这个开始你们的一天
It's Kellogg's Finding Dory cereal.
这是Kellogg s Finding Dory麦片
Which is inspired by the movie, Finding Dory in theaters, June 17.
这个的灵感来自于6月17日 在影院上映的电影 《海底总动员2寻找多莉》
Because, when you think cereal, you think fish.
因为 当你想起麦片 你会想起鱼
Some of these integrations I don't understand but anyway All right let's celebrate everyone, millennial or not.
这一系列中的一些 我不太理解 但是不管怎么样 好了 让我们祝贺每个人 不管是否是千禧之子
I believe in the future I will lead the way with this dance.
