日期:2017-07-12 16:38



A couple of weeks ago, we introduced you to sarah hoidahl.
在几周以前 我们给你介绍了莎拉 霍戴尔
She's an amazing waitress from new hampshire. Take a look.
她是新罕不什尔州一个很棒的服务员 一起看看吧
I always end each show by saying "Be kind to one another,"
我总是以 善待别人 结束 每一次的节目
And our first guest is a waitress from henniker, new hampshire, who did just that.
而我们的第一位来宾就是一名服务生 来自新罕不什尔州的亨尼克 刚刚那个就是她
I think we have a copy of the note, but it says, "Thanks to the government shutdown,
我这有一份留言的复印件 上面写的是 感谢政府的不作为
"People like you that protect this country are not getting paid.
像你一样的人们在保护这个国家 却什么也没得到
"However, I still am. Lunch is on me. Thank you for serving, ladies. Have a good day."
但是 我还是我 午餐我请了 感谢你们的责任心 女士们 祝今天过得愉快
That's what you left. How much? The bill was $27.75. $27.
这就是你留下的 那顿饭多少钱 一共是27.75美元 27美元

One. Two, three, four, five, six, seven. Well, there's 27. $27.75?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 好了 给你27 27.75美元是吧
I'm gonna make you a check right now. You're amazing. I love her.
我要给你开张支票 你真是太棒了 我好喜欢她
I just love what she did. I loved her.
我很喜欢她做的事 我真喜欢她
Sarah's story was picked up by hundreds of news outlets all around the world.
莎拉的事迹又被 全世界成百上千的新闻媒体报道了
Sarah is at work right now, where she works at ruby tuesdays in concord, new hampshire.
莎拉现在在工作 位于新罕不什尔州的卢比和谐星期二
She thinks she's talking to a reporter from the local news,
But what she doesn't know, those are our cameras.
但她不知道的是 那是我们的人
That's one of our producers. And when I say, go,
是我们的一个制片人 当我说 开始的时候
Her boss is gonna walk in with a phone and say she's got a phone call.
她老板就会拿着电话走进来 告诉她 有人打电话找她
I'll be on the other end. All right? All right, go. Well, that's great.
我就会在电话另一边 懂了吧 好的 开始 恩 挺好的
Sarah, I'm sorry, you have a phone call. Hello? Hey, sarah. Yeah?
莎拉 抱歉 这有个人找你 你好 你好 莎拉 你好 你是
It's ellen. I'm just checking in. What you doing? Hi. Hi. Hi.
我是艾伦 我刚刚登记入住 你干嘛呢 你好 你好 你好啊
Oh, my god, is this really you? Yeah. Oh, my god, there you are.
天啦啊 真的是你啊 是的 是我 我的天啊 真的是你啊
Hi. Hi. What-what are you doing?
你好啊 你好 你 你在干什么
I was just sitting talking to some-some very nice man here.
Yeah, that's-that's a very nice man who works for us.
恩 那个很好的 人 就是我们派去的
Those are our cameras. That's derek. He's not a-he's not-- He's no reporter.
这些是我们的摄像机 他是德瑞克 他是个 他不是 他并不是记者
We had a nice conversation, very good. Oh, my god, i'm gonna start crying again.
我们聊得挺愉快的 非常好 我的天呐 我又要哭了
Hi, derek. Hi, el. How are you? I'm good.
你好啊 德瑞克 你好 艾尔 你怎么样 还不错
It's a little warm in here if you could take care of that.
这里有点热 你要是能过来管管就好了
Hey, we're taping the show right now, and you're on it.
嘿 我们正录节目呢 你也录进来了
And I wanted to see how you've been since we saw you last.
我想知道上次见过你之后 你现在怎么样了
What's-there's a lot going on, right? Yeah, it's been crazy,
有什么 发生了挺多事是吧 是 真的很疯狂
But, I mean, it's been so much fun. Oh, my god, I can't believe I'm talking to you. Yeah.
不过 我是说很好玩 我的老天呐 我都不敢相信我在跟你通话呢 是啊
So you got messages from all over the world. Who have you heard from?
那么 你收到了世界各地的留言是吧 你都收到哪些地方的留言了
Oh, my gosh, i've heard from people in the u.k.,
呃 我天 我收到了英国
Germany, ireland, switzerland, africa, like, everywhere.
德国 冰岛 瑞士 非洲 差不多世界各地都有
It's been so insane. That's amazing.
真的太疯狂了 真是太棒了
I mean, all that because you decided to take care of somebody's bill at lunch
因为 那些留言都是因为他们看到 你帮明显付不起账单的人
'cause you knew they couldn't afford it,
And look what a good deed does. That's amazing.
真是一种无比善良的行为 非常了不起
So, ruby tuesdays, they've been great through this, right?
那 现在的卢比星期二 也因此生意火爆了 是吧
Oh, my god, they've been absolutely fantastic.
我的天 当然 特别的火爆
They-they let me take the time off from work,
他们 他们总是让我休息
And they gave me a very generous bonus, and-- Good for them.
小费也给的很大方 那挺好的
The vice president himself came in. Well, good for them. That's amazing.
副总统还亲自过来了 恩恩 真不错 那太好了
So we gave you a $10,000 tip, and I heard a lot of that is gonna go towards--
我们给了你一万美元的奖金 我听说大部分要花在
Or some of it is gonna go to a car that you and your mom share, right?
或者有部分要花在车子上 你跟你妈共用的那辆车 对吗
Yeah, yeah, we do. How's that car doing? Um...
恩 是的 是我们共用的 车子是怎么用的呢 呃呃
I mean, it's-it's got four wheels, and it gets us from point a to point b. So we're doing good.
恩 车子 车子有 四个轮子 能把我们从这里载到那里 所以 我们挺好的
Because she drops your son off, or you drop your son off.
因为 她把你儿子送去日托 还是你送去呢
Who-somebody uses it, and you share the car.
谁 有人用的时候 你要用怎么办
She drops my son off at day care and then goes to work,
她带我儿子去日托 然后再去工作
And usually I have-- I have great, wonderful friends
通常 我都有 我都有很棒的朋友们
that will pick me up and bring me to work.
会来接我 送我去工作
Even on their days off sometimes. That's amazing.
即使在他们的休息日 你挺不错的
Well, that's good to have the help.
恩 能帮上忙真是不错
I'm sorry, I've just got my purse out, because I forgot, when you were here last time,
抱歉 我刚把我的包拿出来 因为你上次来的时候我忘了
I needed to give you something that I, um... Oh, that's right.
我之前应该给你的 恩 我 哦 想起来了
I don't have it. Jeannie, will you give it to her?
不在我这里 珍妮 你能拿给她吗
I forgot, I gave it to Jeannie. Oh, yeah, sure. Here we go.
我忘了 我已经给珍妮了 当然没问题了 我过来了
Oh, hi. This is from ellen. Those are keys to your brandnew car.
你好啊 这是艾伦秀送你的 这是你新车的钥匙
It's a 2014 hyundai santa fe sport. Right there. Right there.
是一款2014 现代圣达菲运动汽车 就是这辆 就是它
Look at that. Oh, my. So, just so you know, sarah,
看看她多激动 哦 我的 那么 莎拉 顺便说下
and I know you were wondering about this,
the 2014 santa fe sport, it's a familyfriendly crossover.
这款2014现代圣达菲运动汽车 是一辆家庭款休旅车
It's blue link system provides concierge services from your car,
有蓝链系统为你的车 提供防盗装置
And that's your brandnew car, sarah. Oh, my god.
那就是你的新车了 我的天啊
We'll be back with rob lowe. Thank you. Thank you so much.
我们稍后回来 还有嘉宾罗伯 劳 谢谢 非常非常感谢
