I ask my facebook friends to tell me about their bad gifts.
我让我脸书上的朋友们跟我聊聊 他们收到过的奇葩礼物
And it is unbelievable what people think is ok to give as a gift.
Rosemary ..em..Arroyo..I believe Em..He told me that he got me something shiny.
罗斯迈瑞 呃 阿罗约 大概是吧 我想 他告诉我他收到的东西很有光泽
It was a flour sifter. We are divorced now. Hah...Wow...
是一个面粉筛 我们已经离婚了 哈哈哈哈 简直
Every kiss begins with K and every divorce begins with a flour sifter.
每次亲吻都始于K 而每次离婚都是始于面粉筛
Flour sifter...Wow..that's good. Patti Peterson Calhoon
面粉筛 恩 挺好的 帕媞 皮德森 卡尔宏
I got a "Thigh Master." I was pregnant at the time too.
我收到一个 大腿控制器 我当时怀孕了
He still paying for that one. That sounds like lord levier relationship.
他现在还在付抚养费 听起来是段贵族级别的享受
They gives you an insulting gift and you making pay forever. That's...
有人给你一个羞辱人的礼物 你就让他一直为此付出代价 那真是
Mary Shockley I got a "tester" bottle of cologne. Like the bottle on the counter.
玛丽 肖克利 我收到一瓶试用装 古龙香水 就像柜台上展览的那种
It was 3/4 full with no price tag and a label that said "tester" on it.
大概还剩下3/4 上面没有价格 只有一个标签写着 试用装
I'm guessing it was a test relationship.
He should have told her that "tester" is a fancy French word.
他应该告诉她 那个试用装 法语里是精贵的意思
The "testier"..It's "testier".. It's barely even full..cause it is so special...
testier(法国腔)这是 testier 差不多是满的 就是因为它很特别啊
"Testier"That's French I think I was speaking.
testier 我觉得我说的这个真的是法语
Lisa SmithCook I got an Eager Beaver Weed Eater... Really it happened.Wow...
丽萨 史密斯 库克 我收到一个宜格 比弗除草器 真的 我收到了那个 哇哦
Well..she put it to good use cause look at the lawn in next morning.
恩 她这除草器确实用得很好 来看看第二天早上的草坪
Those are bad gifts. Find out when it's on in your town at ellentv.com.
这些都是奇葩的礼物 找找看什么时候你的城市会上艾伦频道吧