Voice 3: "Wang said he was able to organise the official documents, travel and job! But he said this would cost almost forty thousand [40,000] dollars. It was my dream to go to America. But how would I pay this money? Wang suggested that my parents pay some of the money. And then I could pay the rest later - when I had my job in America. Wang said I would earn more than enough money to pay back the debt to my parents. I would be able to look after my parents in their old age! This is very important in our culture. So, I decided to do it."
声音3:我姓刘 。我生于1976年 。和我同村的一个人告诉我,有一个男人能帮我安排去美国或加拿大工作 。我说我很感兴趣 。然后,一个名叫王一雄(音译)的男人来到了我们的村子 。王一雄说他能办理官方文件,帮我去旅行和工作!不过他说,这需要近4万美元 。去美国是我的梦想 。但是我怎么支付这笔钱?王一雄建议我父母帮我支付一部分钱 。等我在美国找到工作以后,我再付清剩下的钱 。王一雄说我挣到的工资还清欠我父母的钱绰绰有余 。而且在我父母老了以后我会有能力照顾他们!这一点在我们的文化中至关重要 。所以,我决定照他说的去做 。
"I have been working now for three years, but not in America. Wang’s men took me to Europe. I work in a Chinese food place. There are many other Chinese people living together here. I sleep on the floor. I work for sixteen to eighteen hours a day. Wang’s men say I still have much debt to pay. I must work every day. They beat me if I stop. They say if I stop, I will never pay for my travel. And my parents will stay poor until they die."
“现在我已经工作三年了,但不是在美国 。王一雄的手下把我带到了欧洲 。我在当地的一家中国食品工厂工作 。还有很多中国人一起住在这里 。我睡在地板上 。我每天工作16到18个小时 。王一雄的手下说,我还有很多债要还 。我必须每天工作 。如果我不干活,他们就打我 。他们说,如果我不干活,我永远都付不起旅费 。而我父母到他们去世那天会一直贫穷下去 。”
"I feel very tired of living."
“我感觉生活真的很累 。”