Voice 2: When Neruda began writing, his poems were about many different things. But now, his poetry turned toward more political subjects.
声音2:聂鲁达开始写诗时,他的诗歌涉及各种内容 。而从这时起,他的诗歌开始转向政治问题 。
Voice 1: One of Neruda's most famous and political poems is called "Canto General," or "General Song." It was made up of almost two hundred fifty poems in fifteen different parts. It told about much of South American history. It even told about the land and plants. But most of all "Canto General" demanded social justice for all people. It was translated into many different languages. And it is one of Neruda's finest works.
声音1:聂鲁达其中一本最著名的政治诗集是《漫歌集》 。这本诗集包含15个部分,近250首诗 。大部分诗歌讲述了南美的历史 。有的诗还描写了土地和植物 。但是《漫歌集》最重要的目的是要求所有人的社会正义 。这本诗集被译成了多种语言出版 。它也是聂鲁达最好的作品之一 。
Voice 2: One of the poems of "Canto General" is called "Alturas de Macchu Picchu," or "The Heights of Macchu Picchu." In 1943 Neruda went to Peru. There he saw the ancient Incan remains of Macchu Picchu. He felt encouraged to write a poem about the place. The poem was made up of twelve different parts. In the poem, he wrote about the beauty of the remains. But he also told of the slaves that helped to build the structure. In the poem, Neruda invited the dead slaves to come back to life. He said that he would be their voice.
声音2:《漫歌集》中有首诗叫《马丘比丘之巅》 。1943年,聂鲁达前往秘鲁 。他在那里看到了古印加之城马丘比丘的遗址 。他受到启发,写了一首有关那里的诗篇 。这首歌由12个部分组成 。他在诗中不仅描写了遗址的美丽之处 。还描写了帮助建造这座古城的奴隶 。聂鲁达在这首歌中让所有死去的奴隶重新复活 。他说他会为他们发声 。