背诵为王第二册 Unit1:Learning English in a New Environment 在新的环境中学习英语
日期:2007-06-11 23:39


1 Learning English in a New Environment

I was a little shy about talking to people when I first
arrived in America , but I had a strong desire to broaden my
horizons and meet new people . Once I gathered the courage to
start conversations with people , I found how easy it was to
make new friends .
Every day , I heard enough new English expressions to make my
head spin . I found that when I was honest and asked about the
meanings of unfamiliar expressions , Americans were very
helpful and took pains to explain them to me .
Native speakers of English tend to speak very fast , and at
first I was just stunned and looked at them with a dazed
expression on my face . I solved that problem by asking people
to speak more slowly .

broaden ? 开阔,拓宽
horizon ? 眼界,视野
courage? 勇气
spin? 晕头转向
take pains to explain 煞费苦心地解释
tend to speak 倾向于说
stunned ? 惊愕地
dazed 茫然地



  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理
  • spinv. (使)旋转,疾驰,纺织,结网,眩晕 n. 纺织,旋
  • broadenv. 变宽,伸广
  • unfamiliaradj. 不熟悉的