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金属:Ashley Tisdale- Overrated
日期:2009-08-17 17:53



什丽·提斯代尔1985年7月2日出生在美国新泽西州的蒙默斯县 (Monmouth),年长四岁的姐姐Jennifer Tisdale 也是一位演员。她们是金厨刀具(Ginsu Knives)开发者Arnold Morris 的外孙女,也是商界名人Ronald Popeil 的堂妹。由于母亲方的血统,阿什丽认为自己是一名犹太人,曾在当地犹太社区中心剧团出演过《Gypsy》、《音乐之声》、《Annie Warbucks》等剧。

  阿什丽三岁的时候便在一家商场被现在的经纪人Bill Perlman 发掘,12岁便曾在白宫进行过歌唱演出,同林赛·罗韩、米莎·巴顿等人曾为同一个时期福特公司旗下的儿童模特。

Artist:Ashley Tisdale

Yeah eh eh eh, oh

I pass my reflection,
It's someone else
I see your invention and not myself

I turned into your perfect girl
A total stranger
Now I see then I don't want to

Being you when it's just all an act
It's overrated
The truth is I'm wanting me back
'Cause I can't take this
I gotta be who I am underneath
Who I gave up so you believe
Being you when it's just all an act

It's overrated
So overrated

I let you control me or so you thought
Don't think that you're perfect,
You're still messed up
I hid away the best of me
Too scared to notice
Now I do and I'm not going to

Being you when it's just all an act
It's overrated
The truth is I'm wanting me back
'Cause I can't take this
I gotta be who I am underneath
Who I gave up so you believe
Being you when it's all just an act
It's overrated
Changing for a guy (overrated)
Living in a lie (it's overrated)
Always asking why? (it's overrated)
Oh whoa oh
The mirror is shattered
I'm finally free

Being you when it's just all an act
It's overrated
The truth is I'm wanting me back
'Cause I can't take this
I gotta be who I am underneath
Who I gave up so you believe
Being you when it's all just an act ohh
It's overrated yeah
Overrated, yeah
Overrated, yeah
So overrated, yeah

Oh oh, yeah


  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • inventionn. 发明,发明物,虚构,虚构物
  • reflectionn. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响