雅思真题听力场景精练 第43期:课程,展示和论文(7)
日期:2013-07-02 14:25


Male:And can you give me any idea about the content of the first year of Economics so that I can get into some reading?
Female:Well, you'll be getting the reading list next week when lectures start. All the books are in the library.
Male:Yes, but won't everyone else take them out as soon as they get the reading list, too?
Female:Well, yes, they might. But most of the important ones are held in Closed Reserve...that's a part of the library where you can go to read books but you can't take them out of the building.
Male:What did you call that section of the library?
Female:Closed Reserve. However, we do recommend that you buy the core books. You'll find them useful and you'll need then for the exam.
Male:Yes, I suppose I will. But what is the focus of the course?
Female:Well, the course at this university has vocational focus. That is a focus on preparing its graduates for work, so we're orientated very much towards employment.
Male:So many chances of getting a job are good?
Female:Well, provided you get good results.
Male:Well look—thanks for your time. You've been really helpful.
Female:That's fine. See you next week then.

  • vocationaladj. 职业的
  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎
  • reserven. 预备品,贮存,候补 n. 克制,含蓄 vt. 保留
  • coren. 果心,核心,要点 vt. 挖去果核