雅思口语救生圈(MP3+文本) 第99期:英文表达性取向
日期:2016-07-25 18:34



性向 sexuality 异性恋heterosexual straight 同性恋 homosexual Homo faggy sissy pants Gay lesbian You shouldn’t have fantasy for that guy, because he plays for the other team. 双性恋Bisexual bilingual education。 无性恋 Asexual the lack of sexual attraction to anyone or lack of interest in or desire for sexual activity Demisexual A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. 泛性恋 Pansexual OR omnisexual sexual attraction, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward people of any sex or gender identity. Skoliosexual Attraction to transgender people

  • equivalentadj. 等价的,相等的 n. 相等物
  • circlen. 圈子,圆周,循环 v. 环绕,盘旋,包围
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的