日期:2021-12-02 20:00





JUDY WOODRUFF: Elizabeth Holmes, the founder ofthe former health technology company Theranos, faced cross-examination today for the first time in the fraud case against her. Federal prosecutors have called 29 witnesses over 11 weeks, in an attempt to reveal the alleged deception that led investors and patients to believe the company could conduct a range of tests using just a few drops of blood. The start-up collapsed in 2018. Rebecca Jarvis is the chief business, technology,and economics correspondent for ABC News and the host of "The Dropout,"a podcast about Holmes and the on going trial, which is being held in San Jose. Rebecca Jarvis, thank you very much for being with us.The defense has only begun its side. The prosecution has spent, what, almost two months making this case or even longer.If you can, sum up what the prosecution was trying to do.


REBECCA JARVIS: Well, Judy, the prosecution has shown now in meticulous detail their allegations that Elizabeth Holmes was the one in charge of her company,Theranos, that she's the reason investors, patients and doctors were defrauded here.And they have shown us individuals, including investors, patients.We have heard from doctors. We have heard from scientists inside the company.We have heard from scientists outside the company, in meticulous detail, laying out this fraud and putting Elizabeth Holmes at the front of it.


JUDY WOODRUFF: And she has just, as we said, taken the stand,I guess just before Thanksgiving. She's only-- we have only heard from her for a few days, but it's been dramatic, including her discussing being raped in college. Give us a sense of what she's saying and what the reaction's been.


REBECCA JARVIS: Well, Judy, this has been explosive testimony. We have barely heard from Elizabeth Holmes since the charges were first brought and, frankly, have never heard some of the things she's been saying on the stand, and seen here in the way she's behaved on the stand, getting emotional, talking about, as you mentioned, being raped as a college studentat Stanford, that being, according to her, one of the reasons she decided to drop out of Stanfordand begin her blood testing company, Theranos. And she's also raised these allegations which we thought might come up at this trial against her former boyfriend and COO, Sunny Balwani, alleging years of abuse in the relationship, alleging it was emotional, it was physical, he dictated everything from her schedule to way that she ate. Now, these are claims he has denied vociferously. But these are claims that she raised. And they are something that certainly the jurors now are going to have to think about as they think about the bigger picture question, whichis, did this woman intend to commit fraud?


JUDY WOODRUFF: And what I have read, Rebecca, is that she's walking this fine line, because,on the one hand, she's saying she was heavily influenced by him over a period of time, but then she's now saying that he was not the reason she made these decisions as the head of the company.


REBECCA JARVIS: Well, and that's a really important point that you raised, Judy, because she was asked point blank by her own attorney, did Sunny Balwani dictate what you said to investors? Did he dictate what you shared with Walgreens, your biggest customer, Walgreens being the place, the one place where Theranos tests got in front of patients in this country? So she said point blank, no, that he was not a part of those decisions.That is the fraud here. The fraud is not about the rest of these conversations and allegations, though they might make the jury feel more connected to her. Of course, they have sat in front of her now formany weeks. She's been there in the trial with her family sitting behind her, her partner.They have been told that she's a new mom, she has a new born baby. And so they have really seen this woman for an extended span of time.


JUDY WOODRUFF: And, Rebecca, of course,whatever the jury decides will havean enormous impact on her. She could face up to 20 years in prison.But it's also seen as a case important for the future of Silicon Valley. How so?


REBECCA JARVIS: Well, it raises these questions about faking it until you make it.There are definitely people who believe that this is endemic to Silicon Valley, that this is the way people behave in Silicon Valley. And then there are those who think this is absolutely not the case.The bottom line here is, this is a woman who was able to raise more money than almost any other female founder. She became one of the wealthiest self-made women in the world. At one point, her company was worth $9 billion.







朱迪·伍德拉夫:伊丽莎白·霍姆斯,前健康技术公司Theranos的创始人,今天首次因诈骗案面临交互讯问BqkK[XjC66。联邦检察官在11周内传唤了29名证人,试图揭露该公司涉嫌的欺诈行为V7eM1#b2!XhM3&=K1。该欺诈行为曾让投资者和患者相信,该公司仅用几滴血就可以进行一系列测试;2xom,e1iQ7oq!uFuvoG。这家初创企业于2018年倒闭6jORmBN*BJ%D|0。 黎贝卡·贾维斯是美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)的首席商务,技术和经济学通讯员,也是“The Dropout”节目的主持人,这是一个播客节目,报导了霍姆斯和其正在圣何塞进行的审判-n~c-&AlO^~.g5FNaZ。黎贝卡·贾维斯,非常感谢你来到我们的节目!2Sv(a-TO]@u。辩护方才刚刚开始7b,1;zlMk2LB775g^l,。控方花了差不多两个月的时间甚至更长时间来立案-uW5pvTge43ke2kcAGY。如果可以的话,请总结一下控方试图做什么IpcOwg^iC%6xf@CFe




朱迪·伍德拉夫: 她刚刚,就像我们说的,在感恩节之前出庭作证F(~K)H^kI,J0evP。我们几天前才听到她的消息,但事情很戏剧性,包括她谈到在大学被强奸的事Lq#=k8Uh;ouKE77.。让我们了解一下她说了什么,以及她的反应是什么*J#uv5+tN4I.SdK,|Fj5


黎贝卡·贾维斯:朱迪,这是爆炸性的证词A3F%M.[T,^GI。自从指控首次提出以来,我们几乎没有听到伊丽莎白·霍姆斯的消息,坦率地说,我们从来没有听到过她在证人席上说的一些话,我们看到她在证人席上的表现,变得情绪化,谈论你提到的在斯坦福大学被强奸的事情,正如你提到的,据她说,这是她决定从斯坦福大学退学并创办她的血液检测公司Theranos的原因之一]+U^nn(^mH,*F=sZ。她还提出了这些指控,我们认为这些指控可能会出现在针对她的前男友兼首席运营官桑尼·巴尔瓦尼(Sunny Balwani)的审判中,指控她多年来在关系中受到虐待,声称这是情感上的,是身体上的,从她的日程安排到她的饮食方式,他支配了一切Jg351P5]o4。现在,这些说法,他是大声否认的%LrWF2H@pvNM+MzyH。但这些都是她提出的主张eHsuJwveBmDE.o6r1L。当然,这也是陪审员们在考虑更大的问题时需要考虑的问题,也就是这个女人是否有意诈骗?




黎贝卡·贾维斯:朱迪,这是你提出的非常重要的一点,因为她的律师直截了当地问她,你对投资者说的话是桑尼·巴尔瓦尼命令的吗? 是他命令你和沃尔格林分享的吗,沃尔格林是你最大的客户,也是这个国家让Theranos测试在病人面前进行的地方? 所以她直截了当地说,不,他没有参与这些决定&^eigsUD&eCak%b^。这里就是欺骗Te&Ob9BT%Y~。这些对话和指控的其余部分没有欺骗,尽管可能会让陪审团觉得与她更有联系fua1Ith]4UYhd。当然,他们已经在她面前坐了好几个星期了B;1maUB;oM6~m)E3dTx。她一直在庭审现场,她的家人坐在她身后,她的伴侣U|R]*VLL_ZAuW。他们被告知她是一位新妈妈,她有一个新生儿R*a9%zV)f;ZU1+。所以他们真的与这个女人待在一起很长一段时间了yh5u)=hKH#Dmk(






