老友记 第2季:第6集 宝宝落在巴士上了(上)
日期:2016-10-04 10:09


Monica: Who the wenny-Benny boy? You the Wenny-wenny-Benny-Benny boy, yes.
Monica: Don't cry. Don't cry. Why is he still crying?
Ross: Don't worry. It's nothing that can't be solved by " happy keys. " -Rachel: Yeah.
Joey: Yeah, I feel much better when someone shakes jagged metal in my face.
Ross: All right, here. Let me hold him for a sec. There. here we go. Huh? There we are. -Monica: Maybe it's me.
Ross: Don't be silly. Ben loves you. He's just being Mr. Cranky pants.
Chandler: You know, I once dated a Miss Cranky pants. Lovely girl, kinda moody.
Ross: There we go, all better. -Monica: There's my little boy. -Chandler: Can I see something? -Joey: Cool.
Monica: He hates me. My nephew hates me. l'm unemployed and my nephew hates me.
Ross: Oh stop, don't do this. You're just unemployed.
Monica: What if my own baby hates me? Huh? What am I gonna do then?
Chandler: Monica, will you stop? This is nuts. Do you know how long it's gonna be before you actually have to deal with this problem?
Chandler: I mean, you don't even have a boyfriend yet. Joey, she does not look fat.
Monica: Here you go. -Chandler: oh, hey, Mon. -Joey: waaah. Goo, goo, goo, waaah!
Monica: That is so funny. Let me see that thing.
Joey: Are you ok, Ross? -Ross: I don't know. What's in this pie?
Monica: Uh, I don't know, butter, eggs, flour, and lime, kiwi— -Ross: Kiwi? Kiwi? I thought it was a key lime pie.
不知道,奶油,鸡蛋,面粉,酸橙,奇异果跟…… -奇异果?奇异果?!你说这个是莱檬派。
Monica: No I didn't, I said kiwi lime. That's what makes it so special. -Ross: And that's what's gonna kill me. I'm allergic to kiwi.
Monica: No you're not. You're, you're allergic to lobster and peanuts and--oh my god.
你才不会呢 你会过敏的是龙虾,花生跟……天啊。
Ross: Ugh. It's definitely getting worse. -Monica: OK, alright. Is your tongue swelling up? -Ross: Either that or my mouth is getting smaller.
Monica: All right, get your coat, we're going to the hospital.
Joey: Is he gonna be ok? -Monica: Yeah, he's just gotta get a shot.
Ross: You know, you know, actually it's getting better. It is. It is. Let's not go. Anyone up for Scrabble?
Monica: Jacket now. -Ross: What about Ben? We can't bring a baby to a hospital. -Chandler: We'll watch him. -Ross: I don't think so.
Joey: What? I have seven Catholic sisters. I've taken care of hundreds of kids. Come on, we wanna do it, don't we?
Chandler: Well I was looking forward to playing basketball, but I guess that's out the window.
Ross: Ok, well, if you do take him out for his walk, you might wanna bring his hat, and there's extra milk in the fridge, and there's extra diapers in the bag.
Joey: Hat, milk, got it. -Ross:...-Joey: Consider it done.
帽子,牛奶…懂了。-(叽里呱啦) -包在我身上。
Chandler: You understood that? -Joey: Yeah, my uncle Sal has a really big tongue. -Chandler: Is he the one with the beautiful wife?
Phoebe: Hey Rach, wanna hear the new song I'm thinkin' of singing this afternoon? I wrote it this morning in the shower. -Rachel: OK.
Phoebe: I'm in the shower And I'm writing a song. Stop me if you've heard it. My skin is soapy and my hair is wet. And Tegrin spelled backward is nirget.
Terry: Uh, Rachel, sweetheart, could I see ya for a minute? -Rachel: What's up?
Terry: F.Y.I. . I've decided to pay a professional musician to play in here on Sunday afternoons. Her name is Stephanie something. She's supposed to be very good.
Rachel: But what about Phoebe? -Terry: Rachel, it's not that your friend is bad, it's that she's so bad,...she makes me want to put my finger through my eye into my brain...and swirl it around.
Rachel: Ok, ok, so you're not a fan, but I mean, come on, you cannot do this to her. -Terry: Huh. -Rachel: Oh, no no no no. Oh no no no no. I have to do this to her?
Phoebe: Lather, rinse, repeat. And lather, rinse, repeat. And lather, rinse, repeat. As needed.
Chandler: You know, I don't think we brought enough stuff. Did you forget to pack the baby's anvil?
Joey: i'm telling you It's gonna be worth it. It's a known fact that women love babies, all right? Women love guys who love babies. It's that whole sensitive thing.
Joey: Quick, aim him at that pack of babes over there. Maybe one of them will break away. Wait, forget them. We got one. Hard left.
Joey: -Give me the baby. -Chandler: -No, I got him. -Joey: Come on, seriously. -Chandler: Oh, seriously. you want him?
Caroline: Hello. And who is this little cutie pie? -Chandler: Well, don't, don't think me immodest, but, me?
Joey: You wanna smell him? -Caroline: I assume we're talking about the baby now. -Joey: Oh, yeah. He's got that great baby smell. Get a whiff of his head.
Caroline: I think my uterus just skipped a beat. -Joey: (to Chandler) What'd I tell you? -Caroline: I think it's great you guys are doing this. -Chandler: Well, we are great guys.
Caroline: You know, my brother and his boyfriend have been trying to adopt for three years. What agency did you two go through?
Phoebe: But, but this is my gig. This is where I play. My, my name is written out there in chalk. You know, you can't just erase chalk.
Rachel: Honey, I'm sorry. -Phoebe: And he's going to be paying this woman? Why doesn't he just give her like a throne, and a crown, and like a, you know, gold stick with a ball on top.
Rachel: Terry is a jerk, OK? That's why we're always saying"Terry's a jerk!" That's where that came from.
Phoebe: Yeah, OK. You probably did everything you could. -Rachel: OK, you know what, lemme, let me just see what else I can do.
Rachel: All right, look, look. Why don't you just let her go on after Stephanie whatever-her-name-is. I mean, you won't even be here. You don't pay her. It's not gonna cost you anything.
Terry: I, I don't know. -Rachel: Come on, Terry, I'll even clean the cappuccino machine. -Terry: You don't clean the cappuccino machine? -Rachel: Of course I clean it.
I mean, I, I will cleeeean it. I mean, I will cleeeean it. -Terry: Oh, all right, fine, fine, fine.
我是说我会清洗,我会好好地清洗…… -好吧,好吧,好吧...
Rachel: Done. -Phoebe: Really? -Rachel: Yeah. Who's workin' for you, babe?
办成了。- 真的?-对呀,看谁为你出马嘛,亲。
Phoebe: Oh! Oh my god. This is so exciting. How much am I gonna get? -Rachel: What?
Phoebe: Well you said that he's paying the people who are playing, so?
Rachel: Oh, no, no no. I meant that he's gonna be paying that other woman because she's a professional.
Phoebe: Well, I'm not gonna be the only one who's not getting paid. -Rachel: Well, but Phoebs.
Phoebe: No, huh uh, I'm sorry, no. No, I'm not some like sloppy second, charity band.
Phoebe: You know what, there are thousands of places in this city where people would be happy to pay to hear me play.
Phoebe: When I play, I play for me, I don't need your charity. Thank you!
Ross: Well, there's no way I'm gonna get a shot. Maybe they can take the needle and squirt it into my mouth, you know, like a squirt gun.
Monica: Honey, why don't we just wait and See what the doctor says.
Ross: They've got to do something. These are the 90's.
Doctor: Hello, there. I'm Dr. Carlin. I see someone's having a little allergic reaction.
Monica: Doctor, can I see you for just a minute please? My brother has a slight phobia about needles.
对,医生 我可以单独跟你谈谈吗?我哥哥有一点点害怕打针。
Ross: Did you tell him about my squirt gun idea?
Monica: My brother, the PhD would like to know if there's any way to treat this orally.
Doctor: No, under these circumstances it has to be an injection, and it has to be now.
Ross: So? -Monica: That's good, have a seat. Um, the doctor says it's gotta be a needle. You're just going to have to be brave. Can you do that for me? -Ross: OK.
Monica: OK. Oh boy. You are doin' so good. You wanna squeeze my hand? -Ross: yeah. -Monica: OK.
Monica: All right, Ross, don't squeeze it so hard. Honey, really. Don't squeeze it so hard! Oh, Ross! Let go of my hand!
Chandler: That's a good plan, Joe. Next time we wanna pick up women, we should just go to the park and make out. Taxi! Taxi!
Joey: Hey, hey, look at that talent.
Chandler: Just practicing. You're good. Carry on. Wait, wait, wait!
Girl 1 on Bus: Hey, you. He's just adorable.
Chandler: Oh, but can you tell him that, because he thinks he's too pink.
Girl 2 on bus: So what are you guys out doing today?
Joey: Oh we're not out. No, no. We're just uh, two heterosexual guys hanging with the son of our other heterosexual friend, doing the usual straight-guy stuff.
Chandler: You done? -Joey: Yeah.
Girl1: Oh, there's our stop. -Joey: Get outta here. This is our stop.
Girl2: You guys live around here too?
Joey: Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. We live in the building by the sidewalk. -Chandler: You know it?
Joey: Hey, look, since we're neighbors and all, what do you say we uh, get together for a drink?
Girl 1: So uh, you wanna go to Marquel's? -Chandler: Oh, sure, they love us over there.
Girl 2: Where's your baby? -Chandler and Joey: (running after bus) Ben! Ben! Ben!
Chandler: Oh, that's good. Maybe he'll hear you and pull the cord. -Both: Stop the bus! Wait! Wait! Wait!
Monica: Are you sure he didn't break it because it really hurts.
