1. For the record, Mets wasn't out of tone. You were, Ericson! But he didn't know. And that's bad enough.
2. You are here for a reason. You believe that right?
Yeah. I'm here for a reason.
3. What do you do?
你现在做什么呢?I go to Fordham.
What do you study?
I don't have a major yet.
like what do you want to study?
I don't really know. I don't know yet.
So Fordham was just like a random school?
No, I've applied a bunch of schools, Fordham let me in.
Why do you go to Shaffer?
It's the best music school in the country.
Well Fordham is Fordham. I don't love there to be honest. I guess it's just people there don't like me very much. I'm from Arizona, and I think they can see it.
I kinda feel the same way about people in Shaffer. I don't think they like me too much. But I don't... I don't care too much. I think it's just... it changes. You know people change, things work out.
4. I'd rather die drunk, broke at 34 and have people at a dinner table talk about me than live to be rich and sober at 90 and nobody remembered who I was.
Ah, but your friends will remember you, that's the point.
None of us were friends with Charlie Parker. That's the point.
5. You walk in here an alternate, who knows you could be the new core.
6. If you want the fucking part, earn it.
7. I'm just gonna lay it out there. This is why I don't think that we shouldn't be together. And I thought about it a lot. And this is what's gonna happen, ok? I'm gonna keep pursuing what I'm pursuing. And because I'm doing that it's gonna take more and more of my time. And I'm not gonna be able to spend so much time with you. And when I do spend time with you, I'll be thinking about drumming. I'll be thinking about Jazz and my charts and all that. And because of that you're gonna start to resent me. And you're gonna tell me to ease up drumming, spend more time with you because you're not feeling importrant. And I'm not gonna be able to do that. And I'll just start to resent you for even asking me to stop drumming. And we'll just start to hate each other. And it's gonna get very... it's gonna be ugly. And so... for those reasons, I'd rather just break it off clean. Cause I wanna be great.
And you're not?
I wanna be one of the greats.
And I'll stop you from doing that?
You know I'll stop you from doing that. You know that for a fact.
你知道我会成为你的障碍,你就这么肯定? 即使我很少能见到你?
And I barely see you anyway. Yeah. And when I did see you you treated me like shit because I'm just some girl who doesn't know what she wants. And you have a path, and you're going to be great, and I'm gonna be forgotten. And therefore, you won't be able to give me the time and day because you have bigger things to pursue.
That's exactly my point.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You're right, we should not be dating.
8.Any fucking moron can wave his arms and keep people in tempo. I was there to push people beyond what's expected of them. I believe that is an absolute necessity. Otherwise we're depriving the world the next Louie Armstrong the next Charlie Parker.
9.The truth is, Andrew I never really had a Charlie Parker. But I tried. I actually fucking tried. And that's more than most people ever do. And I'll never apologize for how I tried.