日期:2014-10-08 17:29


Inman:This doesn't come out right. If it were enough just to stand without the words.
Ada:It is.It is.
Inman:You look.Look.Look at the sky now.What color is it?Or the way a hawk flies?Or you wake up and your ribs are bruised thinking so hard on somebody.What do you call that?


Ada:What if you are killed,and I'll never see you again?You said after a few years I would barely remember your name.Oh.Inman.It is more than three years,and I remember your name.



Dear Mr Inman,
Since you've left, time has been measured out in bitter chapters. Last fall, my father died. Out farm at Black Cove is abandoned. Every house in these mountains touched by tragedy. Each day the dread of learning who has fallen, who will not return from this terrible war. And no word from you. Are you alive? I pray to God you are.
This war is lost on the battlefield and is being twice over by those who stayed behind. I'm still waiting, as I promised I would. But I find myself alone and at the end of my wits, too embarrassed to keep taking from those who can least afford to give.
My last thread of courage now is to put my faith in you, and to believe I will see you again. So now I say to you, plain as I can, if you are fighting, stop fighting, if you are marching, stop marching. Come back to me, come back to me is my request.

Ada:Yesterday,I saw you walking back to me or thought I did.I found myself crouching over Sally Swanger's well like a madwoman staring into its secrets.Was it you I saw walking home to me , or was it your ghost? After so long , I know I must learn to survive on my own and accept you will not return . And yet I cannot .I cannot.


I think there's a plan.There's a design for each and everyone of us,You look at nature. Bird flies somewhere, picks up a seed, shits the seed out, plant grows. Bird’s got a job, shit’s got a job, seed’s got a job.

Inman:I'm like the boy,who goes for wood in winter and comes back in spring with a whistle,Like every fool sent off to fight with a flag and a lie.

Inman:She got me a book,Ada Montoe,a man by the name of Bartram.He wrote about his travels.Sometimes,just reading the name of a place near home.Sorell Cove,Bishop's Creek.Those places belonged to people before us.To the Cherokee.What did he call Cold Mountain?How could a name not even a real name break your heart?It's her.She's the place I'm heading.And I hardly know her,I hardly know her!And I just can't seem to get back to her.

Ada:To have traveled so far,from east to west a thousand terrible miles. My feet treading all God’s surface – his ocean, his swamps, his slopes and ridges – to find myself, at last, a mark in the aching snow, from whence I beheld through a blue haze a world of mountains piled upon mountains.

Ruby:Oh, he's so full of manure, that man! We could lay him in the dirt and grow another one just like him.

Ada:My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods.Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind

Ada:My love , where are you ? with no hope of reaching to you , I write to you , as I always do , as I have always done .

Inman:I pray you are well.I pray I am in your thoughts.You are all that keeps me from sliding into some dark place.


Ada:How did I keep you?We barely knew each other.It was a few moments.


Inman:A thousand moments.They're like a bag of tiny diamonds.Don't matter if they're real or things I made up.The shape of your neck.That's real.The way you felt under my hands when I pulled you to me.(www.duanjuzi.com/jietu/shilian/)

Ada:Every day I was waiting.Longing.Loing to see your face.


Inman:If you could see my inside.Now,whatever you wanna name it.My spitit?That's what I fear.I think I'm ruined.They kept trying to put me in the ground.But I wasn't ready.
Inman:But if I had...If I had goodness I lost it.If I had anything tender in me.I shot it dead.How could I write to you after what I done.

艾达:What we have lost will never be returned to us. The land will not heal - too much blood. All we can do is learn from the past and make peace with it.There are day now when I manage not to think of you.When the needs of the farm call with more urgency than my heart.This time of year there's so much life everywhere.I find you in all of it.As if you were still walking home to me.If you could see us now this Easter day at Black Cove,you would know every step of your journey was worth it.


  • measuredadj. 量过的,慎重的,基于标准的,有韵律的 动词me
  • sourcen. 发源地,来源,原始资料
  • touchedadj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的
  • flagn. 旗,旗帜,信号旗 vt. (以旗子)标出 v. 无
  • survivevt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过 vi.
  • embarrassedadj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的
  • bruisedadj. [医]青肿的;瘀紫的 v. 擦伤(bruise
  • hawkn. 鹰,掠夺别人的人,鹰派人物 n. 清嗓 v. 用训
  • eternaladj. 永久的,永恒的 n. 永恒的事
  • whistlen. 口哨,汽笛,厂笛,啸啸声,用于召唤或发布命令的哨声