一、Listen and Think 先声夺人
Nate: Where'd you go?
Baizen: Where didn't i? I aided the cleanup post-Katrina, spent a year rebuilding Machu Picchu—Which, let me tell you, it’s changed my life. I bought an HD Cam and started, filming it for a documentary.
Chuck: You're the guy, who gave us our first joint, snuck us into our first club, and you're gonna tell me the life of you tube filmmaker is better than this? You invented the lost weekend.
Nate: Hey, who cares about a party when you can travel the world?
Baizen: Exactly. In the real world, the only thing that matters is who you are, not what you own.
Nate: 你去哪儿了?
Baizen: 去哪儿? 卡特利娜飓风灾难后,我去帮忙善后了。花了整整一年在重建马丘比丘。我告诉你,这对我改变很大。我买了部高清数码摄像机,开始拍摄记录片。
Chuck: 你可是引导我们抽第一支卷烟。
Nate: 嘿,当你能周游世界的时候,还会在乎派对吗?
Baizen: 没错,在现实世界里,唯一关键的是
可可地盘,英语学习者的乐园 Click here >>> http://dipan.kekenet.com/
二、Listen and Learn 内容透析
1. Cleanup: n. 清除;暴利;清扫工作。I'm going to give the house a good cleanup. 我准备把屋子好好打扫一下。
2. Katrina: 在这里指的是飓风卡特里娜(英文:Hurricane Katrina),是2005年8月出现的一个五级飓风,在美国新奥尔良造成了严重破坏。post做前缀,与名词动词形容词结合,意为after"。如postgraduate, post-date,这里的post-katrina自然也就是卡特里娜飓风灾难后了。
3. HD: 简单来说,通常把物理分辨率达到720p以上的格式则称作为高清,英文表述High Definition,简称HD。
4. Film在这里作动词表示把…拍成电影I was terribly relieved to find out he was filming the next season. 我很欣慰地发现,他正在拍摄下一季《人类与野生动物》。
5. Sneak :偷偷摸摸做;溜,鬼鬼祟祟。sneak into:she could sneak into the kitchen add call her family in Long Beach . 她偷偷溜到厨房,给长滩镇娘家打电话。
6. Tube: 管,电子管。在这里指电视机When you’re with your friends orfamily, leave the tube off and have a conversation. 和家人或者朋友聚在一起时,扔下电视机,过去倾谈或者聊一会儿。
7. Who Cares可以单独使用,表示毫不关心的语气。颇有种事不关己高高挂起的意味。He may not be a true point guard, but who cares? 他可能不是个真正的组织后卫,但是谁在乎?
8. lost weekend (尤指畅饮的)放荡的周末。如:Look, this is the lost weekend for juniors , Not senior citizens.这个周末是属于年轻人的,老年人绕道。(小编插话:这样的话语可不太礼貌哦)。
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