一、Listen and Think 先声夺人
-Rufus: Guess whose dad is cool.
-Jenny: It's a trick question.
-Dan: yeah,'cause it can't be ours.Ha ha, ha ha. Look at this.Top ten forgotten bands of the '90s.
-Rufus: Yeah, check out who's number nine.
-Jenny: He's very proud. mm-hmm.
-Dan: Hey! Hey, way to be forgotten.
-Rufus: But that's how you get remembered.
-Jenny: Maybe you'd care if dad's band was on "gossip girl."
-Dan: what?I don't read "gossip girl." that's... That's for chicks.
-Jenny: So that wasn't your laptop open to it last night reading all about Serena Van Der Woodsen?
-Dan: Rolling stone? Wow.Let me take a look at this again, dad.cool.Lincoln hawk...Number nine.
-Rufus: Hey, what are you working on?
-Jenny: It's called the kiss on the lips party.Everyone's going.
-Dan: You were invited to that?Well, no offense if I sound surprised since l've never been invited.
-Jenny: One of the girls in my art class saw my calligraphy, and she said that if I addressed all the invitations that I could have one.
-Rufus: Sounds very fair. The sweatshops could learn a thing or two.
-Jenny: Dad, this is not a platform for one of your anticapitalist rants.
-Rufus: Yes, it is.
-Jenny: Besides, you make us go to private school.
-Rufus: That's for your education.
-Jenny: So we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties?
-Dan: Works for me.
-Jenny: Mom thinks it's a good idea.
-Rufus: And her judgment is always sound, right?Jenny, you wanna go to that party, you should go.You kids could use some fun.
-Jenny:也许你在意的是老爸的乐队, 上没上绯闻女友。
-Dan:什么?我不看绯闻女友, 那是女孩看的玩意。
-Jenny:那昨晚你没用笔记本上那个网页吗?看Serena van der Woodsen的事?
-Dan:滚石? 哇!让我再看看,老爸,真厉害。Lincoln Hawk乐队...排第九。
-Jenny:美术科上的一个女生, 看到了我的书法。她说如果我写好所有的请贴就邀请我出席。
-Rufus:听起来很公平, 黑工厂真该学学。
-Jenny:所以我们就该成为独自吃午餐, 默默无名的小人物?永远不获邀参加派对?
可可地盘,英语学习者的乐园 Click here >>> http://dipan.kekenet.com/
二、Listen and Learn 内容透析
1. It's a trick question.这个问题真难回答。trick作名词有诡计,恶作剧的意思,这里是用作形容词表示欺诈的。a trick question是指有意捉弄人、有陷阱的问题。如果有人问你一个问题,然后把你带进去了,捉弄了你一番,这样的问题就可以被称作trick question 另外我们平时所说到的脑筋急转弯也可以用这个词组a trick question。
2. Yeah, check out who's number nine.看看谁是第九名。check out 我们通常使用的有两个意思:第一个是检查,比如Would you please check out the names and numbers?请你把名字和数目核对一下好吗?第二个意思是结账离开。一般的旅馆都有这样的规定:Guests must check out before noon, or they will be charged for the day.旅客必须于中午前办清手续离开, 否则将收取全日的费用。在口语里check out可以指看一看,我们所听到的check out who's number nine中的check out就是看看的意思。再如:Hey man! check out my new look!嗨,兄弟!瞧我的新打扮怎么样?
3. Way to be forgotten。几乎被遗忘了。way在口语中可以用来加强语气。比如:我想和一个人争辩,但是他的逻辑太强了,滴水不漏I want to argue with him, but his logic is way too tight. 大家工作或者学习了一整天,实在是太累了,你也可以说I’m way too tired.
4. I don't read "gossip girl." that's... That's for chicks.我不看绯闻女孩, 那是女孩子看的东西。chick原意是小鸡,小鸟。小鸡小鸭:chicks and ducks。chick也可以表示少女,小女孩儿Dan所说的that's for chicks也就是指绯闻女孩是女孩子看的东西。与chick类似的一个短语spring chicken也可以表示少女。Miss Brown is seventeen years old, so she is a spring chicken.布朗小姐十七岁,因此正是青春少女。再为大家介绍几种女性的称呼。skirt 原意裙子,借代青年女子。要注意通常skirt只限于男性称呼女性。There are a lot of good-looking skirts among the new freshmen this year.在今年新入学的大学一年级学生中,有很多好看的姑娘。doll:洋娃娃的意思,在男性使用的场合,他指的是美人或者可爱的姑娘。比如:My brother's new girl friend is a doll.我弟弟新交的女朋友是个挺可爱的姑娘。对于女性而言,doll指的是有魅力的英俊男子。
5. Well, no offense if I sound surprised since l've never been invited.不是要冒犯你,我有点吃惊。因为我都从来没被邀请过。No offense:没有别的意思,无意冒犯。None taken:没关系,不介意。
6. Calligraphy 书法。很好记的一个单词,词缀graph通常有写照片这样的含义。比如:biography 传记;photograph 拍照,照片。
7. The sweatshops could learn a thing or two. 黑工厂真该学学。sweatshops 是个合成词。sweat汗水,shop 商店,连起来就是sweatshop:血汗工厂;剥削劳力的工厂。
8. This is not a platform for one of your anticapitalist rants. 你也不能借此抨击资本主义。anti 词的前缀,具有反的意思。capitalist 资本家,资本主义的。anticapitalist就是指反对资本主义的人,或者直接作形容词表示反对资本主义的。
可可地盘,英语学习者的乐园 Click here >>> http://dipan.kekenet.com/