一、Listen and Think 先声夺人
Jenny: Blair, it’s...it's beautiful. I mean, you look beautiful.
Blair: it's average. The color is last season, and besides, Stella McCartney has a much, better version at Bergdorf’s.
Jenny: Right. I...I've been meaning to go by Bergdorf’s. Wow, these dolls are great. Oh, my god. You have a cabbage patch. My brother used to have one of, these. His name was Cedric.
Blair: Your brother's name is Cedric?
Jenny: Uh, no that was his cabbage patch kid. My brother's name is, Dan. Actually, you might know him. He, um, he went out with, Serena last night.
Blair: That’s your brother? So does that mean you're friends with Serena now?
Jenny: I mean, I don't have a problem with her, but if someone did have a problem with her, I wouldn't have a problem with that either.
Blair: You know, if you like that dress, you can have it.
Jenny: What? No, no.
Blair: I'm sure you'll find, some way to repay me.
Jenny: Oh, Blair, thank you. I, mean, for the dress and for the other thing about,, uh, about Chuck.
Blair: If you want to be part of this world, Jenny, people will talk eventually, and you need to, decide if all this is worth it.
Jenny: Blair,这真漂亮。你看起来美极了。
Blair: 这颜色是上一季的流行色,还有,Stella McCartney为Bergdorf公司设计了更好的系列。
Jenny: 是的,我曾经想去一次Bergdorf的店。那些人偶真漂亮。哦,天啊,你还有卷心菜娃娃。我老哥以前也有一个, 它叫Cedric。
Blair: 你老哥叫Cedric?
Jenny: 哦,不是,那是娃娃的名字。我老哥叫Dan,实际上你见过他。噢,嗯.…他昨晚跟Serena约会。
Blair: 那是你老哥?那就是说你现在是Serena的朋友咯?
Jenny: 嗯,我跟她没什么过节。但如果有人跟她有过节的话,我也不介意。
Blair: 知道吗?如果你喜欢那件礼服,就拿去吧。
Jenny: 什么?不,不。
Blair: 我知道你肯定会用一些方法回报我的。
Jenny: 噢,Blair,谢谢你,谢谢你的礼服和Chuck那事。
Blair: Jenny,如果你想进入这个圈子,就会听人闲言碎语,这是早晚的事。但是不是值得, 你自己看着办。
可可地盘,英语学习者的乐园 Click here >>> http://dipan.kekenet.com/
二、Listen and Learn 内容透析
1. It's average. 一般般。average: 平均的,普通的。我们经常拿average, orfinary和normal来辨析,因为这几个短语中文翻译出来很容易引起歧义,今天呢我们不妨来个逆向思维。来看看这三个词的反义词:average强调平均,一般。比如average student指的就是学习成绩一般的学生,与他相对应的就是excellent student(学习出众的学生),所以average通常指得是能力,类型,特征的一个平均水平。用来形容人就是指不出众的,普通的人。 ordinary中文是通常的,一般的,看中文好像和average没有什么区别,而它所对应的反义词是special(特殊的)。所以,ordinary强调的是一般性,说明和别人一样,没有什么特殊的地方,凡人一个。normal应该比较好理解,指得是人的情绪或智力正常,与它相对应的反义词就是abnormal。我们平常说的这个人脑子是不是不正常啊就是这种感觉。
2. The color is last season, and besides, Stella McCartney has a much, better version at Bergdorf’s. 这颜色是上一季的流行色,还有,Stella McCartney为Bergdorf公司设计了更好的系列。斯特拉•麦卡特尼 (Stella McCartney)是一位时装设计师。这句话里我们注意一下last season(上一季)是说衣服等过时了:out of date /go out of fashion。
3. You have a cabbage patch. 你还有卷心菜娃娃。cabbage: 卷心菜。patch在这里是指种菜用的小块土地;田里的作物。Cabbage patch是指百年最受欢迎的10件玩具之一。
4. He went out with, Serena last night. 他昨晚跟Serena约会。go out with sb. 和某人出去,也可以指和某人约会。
5. I mean, I don't have a problem with her, but if someone did have a problem with her, I wouldn't have a problem with that either. 我跟serena没什么过节,但如果有人跟她有过节的话,我也不介意。have a problem with:出问题。比如:I have a problem with my skin. 我的皮肤出了问题。have a problem with sb.:和某人有过节。
6. I'm sure you'll find, some way to repay me. 我知道你肯定会用, 一些方法来回报我的。repay:回报,偿还,报答。比如:I hope to have a chance to repay your hospitality some day. 我希望有一天能有机会回报你的盛情款待。
7. If you want to be part of this world, Jenny, people will talk. 如果你想进入这个圈子, 就会听人闲言碎语。part是部分,角色的意思。be part of经常用来表达进入某个领域,某个圈子,参加某活动等等,或者是…的一部分,比如:I really enjoy university, I was part of great gang of friends. 我非常享受大学生活,我是一群好伙伴中的一员!当talk表示人们说闲话时,后面的内容可以省略,比如:Follow your own course, and let people talk. 走自己的路,让别人说去吧。
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