日期:2010-07-10 16:36




爱德华离开后,贝拉陷入了深深的悲伤之中。她始终接受不了心爱的男孩已经离开自己的现实,开始作出一系列疯狂的举动。就在这时,狼人的后代雅各布闯入了贝拉的生活。雅各布的到来使贝拉暂时从失去爱德华的痛苦中走了出来,两个人成了无话不谈的好朋友。雅各布对贝拉的感情也在慢慢的转变。 一次,为了从吸血鬼手中救出贝拉,雅各布暴露了自己的原形。这时发生了杀人事件,贝拉怀疑是狼族所为...

Bella: So you're a werewolf?

Jacob: Yeah, last time I checked. A few lucky members of the tribe have the gene. If a bloodsucker moves into town, then the fever sets in.

Bella: Mono?

Jacob: Yeah, I wish.

Bella: Well, can't you find a way to stop? I mean it's wrong.

Jacob: It's not a life-style choice, Bella. I was born this way, I can't help it. You are such a hypocrite. What, I'm not the right kind of monster for you?

Bella: It's not what you are. It's what you do. They never hurt anybody. You've killed people, Jake.

Jacob: Bella, we're not killing anyone.

Bella: Then, who is?

Jacob: We're trying to protect you people from them. The only thing we do kill, Vampires.

Bella: - Jake, you can't...

Jacob: Don't worry...we can't touch your little precious Cullens, Unless they violate the Treaty.

Bella: It's not what I'm saying. You can't kill vampires, though. They will kill you.

Jacob: Really? We took out...that leech with the dreads easy enough.

Bella: Laurent?

Jacob: And his redhead girlfriend is next.

Bella: - Vic... Victoria is here?

Jacob: Was. We chased her all the way to the Canadian border the other night. But she keeps coming back. We don't know what she's after.

Bella: I do. Me.

Jacob: Don't worry, we've got this place covered. She won't get near you or Charlie.

Bella: But you gotta be careful. She's fast, you don't know, how fast she is.

Jacob: You know, your lack of confidence in us is a little insulting. Alright, I better go.

Bella: And you gotta go.

Jacob: Yeah. I got a vampire to kill.


1. If a bloodsucker moves into town, then the fever sets in.


【解析】move into是“搬进来,迁入”的意思,在电影《暮光之城》中,吸血鬼家族库伦一家曾多次move into福克斯镇,而为使自己的身份不被发觉,他们不得不隔几年就搬走,在日常口语中,move into常用来表示“搬进(新居)”的意思,请看下面的例句:

Could you help me to move into my new apartment tomorrow?

We are going to move into a new falt.


--The Cullens moved into the town last month, but it's said they would move to city next week.

--Yeah, this family seems weird.

set in是“开始,到来,流行”的意思,在本片中,一旦吸血鬼进入福克斯镇,雅各布体内的发烧就set in(开始发作),他就知道自己该去杀吸血鬼了,请看例句:

Summer has set in.

Complications set in, and the patient died.


A: It's very warm now. 现在很暖和了。

B: Yeah, spring has set in very early this year. 是啊,今年春天来得很早。


在口语中,还经常用arrive, emerge等来表示动词“到来”,用arrival, advent来表示名词的“到来”;

Jacob feels the fever appears whenever the vampires come around. 一旦有吸血鬼在附近,雅各布就感到身上开始发烧;

He felt new emotions emerge. 他感到新的感情产生了。

The world welcomes the arrival of 2009 with cheers and plenty of fireworks. 全世界用欢呼以及众多的烟火来迎接2009年的到来。

The advent of the computer changed people's life greatly.计算机的出现极大地改变了人们的生活。

2. Well, can't you find a way to stop?


【解析】作为狼族后代的雅各布,身上流淌着热血狼人的基因,一旦吸血鬼进城,雅各布就会浑身发烫,贝拉认为这样不对劲,希望他能find a way来医治这个病,这里的find a way to do sth.就是“找到做某事的办法”的意思,例句:

Can you find a way to attend the meeting?

Can you find a way to sober the children down?


A: The probelm seems a bit awkward. 这个问题有点棘手。

B: Tough as it may be, we must find a way to solve it. 不管再难,我们也得想个解决办法。


贝拉担心自己会老去,而爱德华是吸血鬼,可以长生不老,而在爱德华看来,能够自杀却是值得羡慕的,在课堂上,爱德华告诉贝拉,自己已经come up with一个可以死去办法,就是去意大利,激怒沃尔图里家族,这里的come up with就是“想出,找到(解决办法)”的意思,Edward came up with a way to end his life: go to Italy, and provoke the Volturi.“爱德华想出一个可以结束自己生命的办法:去意大利,激怒沃尔图里家族”;

3. Don't worry...we can't touch your little precious Cullens, Unless they violate the Treaty.


【解析】雅各布告诉贝拉,他们狼族很早就和吸血鬼家族订过协议,吸血鬼家族不能进入保留区,狼族就不告诉人类他们的真实身份,The werewolves wouldn't expose vampires' identities, unless the latter enter the reservation. ”狼族不会揭发吸血鬼的身份,除非后者进入保留区“,这里的not...unless就是”除非...否则...“的意思;


A: Will you undertake this job? 你要接受这项工作吗?

B: I don't know whether I will start it or not until I make clear how everything coming on . 在没有分析情况之前, 我不知道是否要开始这项工作

4. We took out...that leech with the dreads easy enough.


【解析】雅各布说自己可以轻而易举地take out一个吸血鬼,他做这件事easy enough,这里的take out是”干掉,杀掉,easy enough是”非常简单“的意思;

在口语里,还可用cook sb’s goose表示”干掉某人“,Jacob could cook the vampire's goose easy enought.”雅各布可以轻而易举地杀死那个吸血鬼“;


(1)with great ease轻而易举

They might have solved all the problems with great ease.

(2)take candy from a baby 轻而易举

It's just like take candy from a baby.

(3)A piece of cake轻而易举

--How was the test? 你考试考得怎么样?

--A piece of cake. 简直轻而易举。

5. We don't know what she's after.


【解析】女吸血鬼维多利亚多次回到小镇,每次都被雅各布赶走,但她还是不停地回来,雅各布说,他不知道维多利亚在找什么,Jacob said he didn't know that Victoria's after.”雅各布说他不知道维多利亚在找什么“,这里的after是动词,意思是”追赶、寻找“,常见的用法是be after sb./sth.”追赶某人(某物),寻找某人(某物)“,如:A successful career is what he's after. 他所追求的是成功的事业。


A: What is the policemen's after? 警察在找什么?

B: A murder. 一个凶手。

6. Don't worry, we've got this place covered. She won't get near you or Charlie.


【解析】雅各布说维多利亚还是不停地回来,贝拉说其实是在找自己,雅各布让贝拉放心,因为他们已经严加防守,吸血鬼是无法get near她和查理的,The vampire couldn't get near Bella or Charlie with the safeguard of Jacob. ”有了雅各布的保护,吸血鬼是无法接近贝拉和查理的“, 这里的get near,就是”接近、迫近“的意思;


get on towards,get on to或get on for都有”接近、靠近“的意义,如:Charlie didn't want Edward to get on towards Bella for the safe of his daughter.”为了女儿安全的考虑,查理不希望爱德华接近贝拉“;

为抓住爱德华的幻影,贝拉开始学飙车,她让雅各布帮自己改装摩托车,教自己驾驶,慢慢的,两人成为很好的朋友,Jacob got next to Bella and became good friends with her during the days when he helped Bella. ”在帮助贝拉的日子里,雅各布与贝拉走近,并成为好朋友“,这里的get next to sb.就是”接近,获得某人好感“的意思。

7. You know, your lack of confidence in us is a little insulting.


【解析】雅各布要去杀吸血鬼维多利亚,贝拉提醒他这吸血鬼速度惊人,雅各布觉得贝拉对自己这么没信心,这是对自己的侮辱,Jacob felt a little insulted for Bella's lack of confidence in him. ”贝拉对

自己缺乏信心,这让雅各布感到有点受辱“,这里的confidence in sb.就是”对某人的信心“的意思。


A: That speaker seems a bit nervous. 那个演讲者看起来有点紧张。

B: Maybe he lacks confidence in himself. 可能他缺少自信吧。


Bella didn't lose heart, her low spirits only because she missed Edward so much.”贝拉没有失去信心,她的情绪低落只是因为过于思念爱德华“,这里的lose heart就是”失去信心“的意思,而要鼓励别人”

建立信心“,就是build up one's confidence,如:It is most essential to build up your confidence if you wat to achieve something in life. ”如果你想在一生中有所成就的话,最重要的是树立信心“;


1. Mind out..! 小心!(较随便)

A:Mind out!Don't cut your fingers!小心别割着手指!

B:Don't worry.I know this knife well.It's not sharp at all.别担心。这把刀我熟悉,一点也不锋利。

A: Better be careful.还是当心点儿好。

2. Mind...注意......(较随便)

A:Mind the wet paint! 注意,油漆未干!

B:When was it painted?I know nothing about it. 什么时候刷的?我怎么不知道?

A:It was just done yesterday. 昨天刚刷的。

3. Watch it! 小心!

A:Watch it!you'll knock the glass over! 小心!你要把那杯子碰倒了。

B:Oh,it's your favorite glass! 对了,这可是你最喜欢的杯子。

A:I'm just afraid you maybe get cut. 我只是怕你被碰伤了。

4. Leave..alone! 别去惹...!(较随便)

A:Leave the dog alone! 别去惹那只狗!

B:Is it mad? 它疯了吗?

A:A normal dog also bites.正常的狗也咬人。

5. Be sure not to... 千万不要......。(较随便)

A:Be sure not to attempt to guess a girl's mind.千万别企图猜测女孩的心思。

B:But that's my favorite hobby.可那是我的嗜好。

A:You must be in trouble all the time then.那么你一定问题麻烦缠身。

6. Don't ..不要......、(通用)

A:Don't touch that flower! 别碰那个花!

B:Why? 为什么

A:Cause that kind of plant is poisonous. 因为那种植物有毒。

7. If...,you will...如果...,你会...。(通用)

A:You'd better not buy stocks these days. 最近最好不要买股票。

B:What's the matter?I think it's a good chance. 怎么回事?我觉得是个好机会。

A:If you don't follow my advice,you'll suffer great loss. 不听我的劝告,你会损失惨重的。

8. You'd better stay away from... 最好远离......(通用)

A:You'd better stay away from that guy.He's got Aids. 你最好远离那个家伙,他得了爱滋病。

B:Aids doesn't infect through air. 爱滋病不是通过空气传染的。

A:Better be careful. 还是小心点儿为好。

9. Be careful of...!小心......!(通用)

A:You're too close to the fireplace.Be careful of your clothes. 你离壁炉太近啦,当心你的衣服。

B:Thank you for your waming,but my clothes are made of asbestos. 谢谢您的提醒,不过我的衣服是石棉做的。

A:Really?That's fabulous! 真的吗?太奇妙了!

10. Don't try any tricks! 不要耍花招!(通用)

A:Don't try any tricks in the examination. 考试期间不要而花招。

B:Someone cheated last time but he got away with it. 上次有人作弊并没有处理呀。

A:He will be punished, and this time you'll be disqualified instantly as soon as you're discovered. 就要处理了,这次一经发现,马上取消考试资格。

11. Behave yourself! 规矩点儿!(通用)

A:Mom,may I play the computer games for a while? 妈妈,我玩一会儿电脑游戏好吗?

B:Behave yourself! Dad is in the study. 规矩点儿!爸爸就在书房里。

A:I won't make any nose.Mom,please. 我不会弄出声来的。

B:All right.Just ten minutes. 好吧,就十分钟。

12. You stay out of it! 你别参与此事!(通用)

A:How did he get involved in it? 他是怎么卷进去的?

B:You stay out of it and mind your own business. 不关你的事,你别掺和。

A:Of course you don't wish me to step in,for you're right in it yourself. 你当然不想让我介入,因为你跟这事脱不了干系。

13. Watch out...! 当心......!(通用)

A:Watch out!You will catch cold! 当心!你会着凉的!

B:It's really a bit cold here. 这儿真的有点儿冷。

A:I'll fetch a coat for you. B:You're so kind. 我去给你拿件外套.你太好了。

14. Be careful not to... 小心别......(通用)

A:Be careful not to stain the pages. 小心别把书页弄脏了。

B:They're not so easy to stain. 不会那么容易脏的。

A:Look, I've already got one stained. 瞧,我已经弄脏一页了。

15. Be aware of... 提防......(较正式)

A:Be aware of those who fish in troubled waters. 要提防那些浑水摸鱼的人。

B:Aren't you giving me a hint? 你是不是在暗示我什么?

A:No,I'm just reminding you of an old lesson. 不,我只不过是在提醒你要吸取教训。


1. werewolf n. 狼人;凶人;残忍狡诈的人

At heart, a werewolf is a creature of both human and wolf nature, but it is neither fully.

2. bloodsucker n. 吸血动物,吸血鬼

The image of the bloodsucker or wizard will not appear in the mirror, the reason?They have no soul.

3. hypocrite n. 伪君子,伪善者

Don't trust him, he is an arrant hypocrite.

4. vampire n. 吸血鬼;吸血蝙蝠

Would you choose to become a vampire?

5. leech n. 水蛭;[喻]吸血鬼;榨取他人利益的人

The leech hangs about other people hoping to obtain money.

6. redhead n. 红发的人

He married a beautiful redhead.






贝拉:噢,没办法医治吗? 我是说这不对劲。








贝拉:我不是指这个,你杀不了吸血鬼, 他们会把你杀掉的。






贝拉: 我知道,找我。








1. 雨季已来临。

2. He always want to find a way to make a difference of himself.

3. 那个猎人在追逐一匹狼。

4. The boy got frightened when the dog got near him.

5. 她充分自信自己能成功。


1. The moist season has set in.

2. 他总是想方设法显得与众不同。

3. The hunter is after a wolf.

4. 当这条狗接近这男孩时,男孩害怕了。

5. She has great confidence in her success.

  • fevern. 发烧,发热,狂热 v. (使)发烧,(使)狂热
  • stainn. 污点,瑕疵,染料,着色剂 v. 玷污,弄脏,着色
  • provokevt. 激怒,惹起,驱使
  • genen. 基因
  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • soberadj. 清醒的,沉着冷静的,稳重的,颜色暗淡的 vt.
  • frightenedadj. 受惊的,受恐吓的
  • hintn. 暗示 v. 暗示,示意
  • troubledadj. 动乱的,不安的;混乱的;困惑的
  • poisonousadj. 有毒的,恶意的