日期:2009-06-19 13:21




节选自影片《西线无战事》(All Quiet On The Western Front)最开头教授的战争鼓吹。第一次世界大站即将爆发,德国某个中学,窗外是即将开赴前线的雄赳赳进军的士兵,教室里是极力鼓动孩子们去充当炮灰的慷慨激昂作着演讲的教授。

Now, my beloved class, this is what we must do: Strike with all our power. Give every ounce of strength to win victory before the end of the year. It is reluctance that I bring this subject up again. You are the life of the fatherland, you boys. You are the iron men of Germany. You are the heroes who will repulse the enemy when you are called upon to do so ……
Perhaps some will say that you should not be allowed to go yet, that you are too youg, that you have homes, mothers, fathers, that you should not be torn away.

Are your father so forgetful of their fatherland that they would let it perish rather than you? Are your mother so weak that they cannot send a son to defend the land which gave them birth? And after all, is a little experience such a bad thing for a boy? Is the honor of wearing a uniform something from which we should run?




  接着,估计了几种可能出现的反对理由。然后在第三段中,使用了四个连续的反问排比句,极具煽动性。记不记得Partrick Herry那个“不自由勿宁死”的著名演讲?里面也有个类似的反问句:“Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery?”(生命是如此珍贵、和平是如此甜蜜,以致可以用忍受奴役、镣铐加身作为交换么?)生活用语中很少用到这样的句式,但在饱含激情的讲演或文章中是经常能够看到的。



  • striken. 罢工,打击,殴打 v. 打,撞,罢工,划燃
  • perishvt. 毁减,死亡 vi. 毁灭
  • uniformn. 制服 adj. 一致的,统一的 vt. 穿制
  • defendv. 防护,辩护,防守
  • repulsen. 击退,拒绝 vt. 逐退,击退,拒绝
  • reluctancen. 不愿,勉强,厌恶