Alice in wonderland《爱丽丝漫游仙境》精讲之五
日期:2010-06-13 11:43




Cheshire cat: I have always admired that hat.

Hatter: Hello, Chess.

Cheshire cat: Since you wouldn't be needing it anymore, would you consider giving it to me?

Hatter: How dare you? It is an formal execution. I would like to look my best, you know.

Cheshire cat: It's a pity about all this, I was looking forward to seeing you Futterwacken.

Hatter: I was ready good at it, was I not?

Cheshire cat: I really do love that hat. I'd wear to all the finest occasions.

Red Queen: I love a morning execution. Don't you?

Followers: Yes, Your Majesty.

Hatter: I would like to keep it on.

Killer: Suit yourself. As long as I can get at your neck.

Dormouse: I'm right here, behind ya.

Red Queen: Off with his head!

Rabbit: I can't watch.

Cheshire cat: Good morning, everyone.

Dormouse: Chess, you dog!

Hatter: Madam? You are being heinously bamboozled by these lick spittled troves you surround yourself with...

Red Queen: What is that?

Woman with fake ears: I'm not the only one Majesty. Look.

Man with big belly: A counterfeit nose. You should be ashamed!

Woman with fake nose: Me? What About that big belly you're so proud off?

Red Queen: Liars! Cheats! Off with their heads!

Hatter: The abused and enslaved in the Red Queen's court! All of you, stand up and fight! Rise up against the Bloody Red Queen!

All of them: Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!

Red Queen: Release the Jubjub bird! You were right, Stayne. It's far better to be feared than loved.

Hatter: Come with me! Quick, come!

Dormouse: Hatter!

Hatter: Come on, Melly, quickly! Come on!

Red Queen: Prepare the Jabberwocky for battle. We're going to visit my little sister.


1. How dare you: 你怎么敢,你竟敢,表示气愤。

例如:How dare you speak to me in such a rude manner!(你怎敢对我用如此粗鲁的态度讲话!)

2. look one's best: 显现最佳状态。

例如:Thank you. I want to look my best for the foreign guests.(谢谢。为了迎接外国客人,我要尽量打扮得好看些。)

Look best单独使用也可以表示“看起来最好,最适合”,例如:You look best in bright red lipstick. (你用鲜艳的红色唇膏看起来最好。)

3. Futterwacken:指影片中的福特韦根舞,疯帽子最后跳的那段舞叫Futterwacken,他是在WitzenEnd(疯帽子和三月兔的出生地)最好的舞者,柴郡猫称呼他“派对王子”。

4. suit yourself:随你便,悉听尊便。

例如:Suit yourself, but I had hoped that you would come and help.(请自便,不过我原本希望你能来帮忙。)

5. ya:young adult的缩写,年轻人。

6. you dog:你这家伙。you dirty/lucky dog意思就是“你这卑鄙/幸运的家伙”。

7. heinously:可憎地,可恨地。

例如:The child was heinously murdered.(孩子被谋杀的情形很可怕。)

8. bamboozle:迷惑,欺骗。

英国著名作家Graham Greene(格雷厄姆·格林)在从事新闻工作时曾经说过这样一句话:

"Perhaps if I wanted to be understood or to understand I would bamboozle myself into belief, but I am a reporter". “也许如果想要被理解或理解,我可以哄骗自己相信,可我是个记者”。

9. counterfeit:伪造品,赝品。生活中,我们很担心遇到fake note(假钞)和smuggled goods(水货)。

10.Jubjub bird:指影片中的食人鸟。



1.你胆子不小啊? 那可是当众处决,你知道我一直都很注重形象的。





1.How dare you? It is an formal execution. I would like to look my best, you know.

2.Suit yourself. As long as I can get at your neck.

3.You are being heinously bamboozled by these lick spittled troves you surround yourself with.

4.You were right, Stayne. It's far better to be feared than loved.

  • counterfeitn. 膺品,伪造品 adj. 假冒的,假装的 v. 仿造
  • rudeadj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 adj. 粗糙的,粗野的
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • pityn. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜 v. 同情,怜悯
  • executionn. 执行,实施,处决 n. 技巧,表演,演奏,杀
  • releasen. 释放,让渡,发行 vt. 释放,让与,准予发表,发