听越狱学英语第二季 第64期
日期:2010-03-15 14:05


这一段是Paul和法官的对话,尽管说出这一切Paul会性命不保,但临终悔悟的Paul还是向法庭坦白了自己以及当时的副总统Caroline 的一切罪行,洗脱了Lincoln 的罪名,承认他是被栽赃陷害。为了使Sara 获得自由,他还承认他曾经奉命追杀她。

[00:07.36]Listen and Share
[01:05.17]Oh...justice will be served.
[01:10.90]What I'm about to divulge to you will in all likelihood get me killed.
[01:15.78]Actually, I guarantee it.
[01:17.18]Then why are you doing it?
[01:19.02]Because this was supposed to be about country, about loyalty,
[01:24.69]about what's right, but it wasn't because...
[01:28.95]I wronged people who should not have been wronged.
[01:37.17]Those orders were given by Caroline Reynolds,
[01:40.02]who was vice president at the time.
[01:42.38]Acting on those orders, I planted evidence...
[01:46.61]I procured a body, I lured Lincoln Burroughs into that parking garage
[01:51.30]that evening under the auspices of a different hit.
[01:57.51]From the ground up, we framed him.
[02:05.05]So, Lincoln Burroughs gets executed,
[02:06.48]people forget about Terrence Steadman,
[02:08.26]the controversy surrounded him and the presidency.
[02:10.14]And nobody ever knows about...the company.
[02:14.21]Ah, yes, which is a shadowy cabal of corporations that pretty much influence
[02:19.15]everything that happens in this country.
[02:21.77]But I fail to see how any of this is relevant to Sara Tancredi
[02:25.11]and the fact that she aided and abetted, that she jumped bail...
[02:28.03]she did so because she feared for her life, which was appropriate,
[02:31.54]'cause I had orders to kill her.
[02:42.17]Oh...justice will be served.
[02:54.78]What I'm about to divulge to you will in all likelihood get me killed.
[03:00.57]Actually, I guarantee it.
[03:10.73]Then why are you doing it?
[03:23.22]Because this was supposed to be about country, about loyalty,
[03:27.72]about what's right, but it wasn't because...
[03:40.56]I wronged people who should not have been wronged.
[03:55.73]Those orders were given by Caroline Reynolds,
[03:59.64]who was vice president at the time.
[04:10.82]Acting on those orders, I planted evidence...
[04:25.36]I procured a body, I lured Lincoln Burroughs into that parking garage
[04:31.34]that evening under the auspices of a different hit.
[04:45.66]From the ground up, we framed him.
[05:04.05]So, Lincoln Burroughs gets executed,
[05:07.49]people forget about Terrence Steadman,
[05:10.01]the controversy surrounded him and the presidency.
[05:25.85]And nobody ever knows about...the company.
[05:40.38]Ah, yes, which is a shadowy cabal of corporations
[05:44.40]that pretty much influence everything that happens in this country.
[06:02.40]But I fail to see how any of this is relevant to Sara Tancredi
[06:07.15]and the fact that she aided and abetted, that she jumped bail...
[06:27.01]She did so because she feared for her life, which was appropriate,
[06:32.24]'cause I had orders to kill her.
[06:57.85]justice 正义, 正当
[07:00.55]divulge 泄露秘密、走漏消息
[07:04.90]News men divulged that the two countries had met together
[07:08.60]secretly several times before they arrived at the peaceful agreement.
[07:19.19]likelihood 可能, 可能性
[07:23.50]be supposed to 应该、准、允许
[07:30.01]We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.
[07:36.56]loyalty 忠诚, 忠心
[07:39.65]The government was sure of the people's loyalty.
[07:45.91]wrong 冤枉、委屈、不公正或不公道地对待
[07:53.14]He felt he had been wronged,
[07:54.71]but everyone else blamed him for what happened.
[08:04.49]plant 栽赃、嫁祸于人
[08:10.45]She insisted that the drugs had been planted in her car by the police.
[08:20.88]procure 取得、获得
[08:24.29]Try to procure us some specimens of the polluted water from the river.
[08:33.86]lure 引诱
[08:36.39]The hope of high profits lured him into questionable dealings.
[08:45.96]auspice 赞助, 支持
[08:49.75]hit 谋杀
[08:52.73]frame 陷害;诬陷
[08:58.12]He was framed by the real criminals.
[09:04.03]controversy 争论, 辩论
[09:06.99]shadowy 朦胧的、模糊的、黑暗的
[09:11.04]cabal 阴谋小集团
[09:14.05]relevant 有关的、相关的
[09:19.10]We turned over relevant documents to the investigating team.
[09:26.82]aid and abet 协助犯罪
[09:31.72]bail 保释

  • auspicesn. 赞助,前兆 名词auspice的复数形式
  • likelihoodn. 可能性
  • questionableadj. 可疑的,可置疑的
  • controversyn. (公开的)争论,争议
  • relevantadj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的
  • procurevt. 获得,取得,促成 vi. 拉皮条
  • framen. 框,结构,骨架 v. 构成,把 ... 框起来,陷
  • guaranteen. 保证,保证书,担保,担保人,抵押品 vt. 保证,
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • peacefuladj. 安宁的,和平的