听越狱学英语第二季 第59期
日期:2010-03-08 15:41


Mahone 发现了Wheeler受雇于上级,专门监督并检举他的犯罪行径。Mahone气急败坏地来专门来质问Wheeler,并威胁他背叛者不得好死。

[00:07.36]Listen and Share
[00:55.65]Wheeler. Where you been?
[01:07.12]I got to do this.
[01:10.71]What are you doing, Alex?
[01:11.15]I'm not wearing a wire.
[01:14.15]You gonna tell me what's going on here?
[01:15.32]In old England...the punishment for a traitorous act was beheading.
[01:22.94]Following the execution, they would hold up the severed head by the hair--
[01:26.37]not, as most people think, for the crowd to see the head,
[01:28.52]but for the head to see the crowd, because...
[01:31.17]consciousness sticks around for another eight seconds.
[01:33.37]The idea was that it would give the traitor
[01:35.10]one more chance to take a look at...you don't want to do this, okay?
[01:38.74]Just take a moment...if you're gonna stab me in the back,
[01:41.36]agent wheeler, be smart enough to cover up the knife.
[01:44.59]You go and visit Franklin three times this week,
[01:46.62]called Sullins, what, twice a day?
[01:49.34]Didn't you learn anything working for me?
[01:51.57]You got to cover your tracks, unless you...
[01:58.50]unless you want to get caught.
[02:03.97]You wanted me to know it was you.
[02:09.91]You're a killer, Alex.
[02:11.74]Is that so?
[02:12.98]Soil samples taken from your yard in connection
[02:15.31]with the disappearance of Oscar Shales.
[02:17.26]Forensics is prepared to submit a report detailing the irregularities
[02:20.57]in the shooting of David "tweener" Apolskis.
[02:22.93]There's your blatant disregard for protocol in the death of john Abruzzi...
[02:26.75]and the escaped con who says that I told him to kill himself.
[02:30.54]You think his testimony is gonna send you into the promised land.
[02:38.56]You can erase me, too.
[02:40.91]But it's not gonna erase the very real fact
[02:42.86]that you're gonna spend the rest of your life in prison.
[02:46.63]You know...you remind me of myself when I was a young agent.
[02:57.78]I wish I could take that as a compliment.
[03:02.31]That's some real fine work, wheeler.
[03:04.33]Good job.
[03:06.83]Don't you let anyone scare you...into doing the wrong thing.
[03:16.79]Let me take you in.
[03:18.42]Whatever mess you're in, we can clean it up.
[03:20.02]There's only one way to clean this-- one way.
[03:32.52]Wheeler. Where you been?
[03:38.99]I got to do this.
[03:45.87]What are you doing, Alex?
[03:47.15]I'm not wearing a wire.
[04:00.70]You gonna tell me what's going on here?
[04:03.28]In old England...the punishment for a traitorous act was beheading.
[04:18.65]Following the execution, they would hold up the severed head by the hair-
[04:34.98]not, as most people think, for the crowd to see the head,
[04:38.50]but for the head to see the crowd, because...
[04:41.40]consciousness sticks around for another eight seconds.
[05:01.11]The idea was that it would give the traitor one more chance to take a look at...
[05:05.75]You don't want to do this, okay?
[05:20.50]Just take a moment...if you're gonna stab me in the back,
[05:23.97]agent Wheeler, be smart enough to cover up the knife.
[05:40.47]You go and visit Franklin three times this week,
[05:43.77]called Sullins, what, twice a day?
[05:54.87]Didn't you learn anything working for me?
[06:09.57]You got to cover your tracks, unless you...unless you want to get caught.
[06:22.07]You wanted me to know it was you.
[06:30.47]You're a killer, Alex.
[06:32.16]Is that so?
[06:42.01]Soil samples taken from your yard in connection
[06:45.35]with the disappearance of Oscar Shales.
[07:03.69]Forensics is prepared to submit a report detailing the irregularities
[07:08.43]in the shooting of David "tweener" Apolskis.
[07:11.13]There's your blatant disregard for protocol in the death of john Abruzzi...
[07:37.56]and the escaped con who says that I told him to kill himself.
[07:41.73]You think his testimony is gonna send you into the promised land.
[07:55.94]You can erase me, too.
[08:04.40]But it's not gonna erase the very real fact that
[08:08.21]you're gonna spend the rest of your life in prison.
[08:26.86]You know...you remind me of myself when I was a young agent.
[08:39.99]I wish I could take that as a compliment.
[08:49.40]That's some real fine work, wheeler.
[08:51.68]Good job.
[09:02.50]Don't you let anyone scare you...into doing the wrong thing.
[09:18.56]Let me take you in.
[09:19.55]Whatever mess you're in, we can clean it up.
[09:21.99]There's only one way to clean this-- one way.
[09:47.98]wire 隐形话筒,窃听器
[09:52.27]traitorous 叛变的, 不忠的
[09:55.89]traitor 叛逆者, 叛国者
[09:59.06]behead 斩首,砍头
[10:03.36]execution 处决,处死
[10:06.80]Executions used to be held in public.
[10:13.21]severed 切断的
[10:16.20]sever 切断
[10:18.40]consciousness 意识, 知觉
[10:21.83]irregularity 不合常规
[10:27.11]blatant 显眼的,无耻的
[10:30.63]a blatant lie
[10:33.79]disregard 漠视, 忽视
[10:39.68]regard 注意, 尊敬
[10:43.13]promised land 乐土, 福地, 希望之乡
[10:50.23]compliment 称赞, 恭维
[10:53.47]scare 惊吓、威吓
[10:56.41]The dogs scared the thief away.

  • erasev. 抹去,擦掉 [计算机] 擦除
  • consciousnessn. 意识,知觉,自觉,觉悟
  • tracksn. 轨道(track的复数);磁道;轮胎
  • complimentn. 称赞,恭维,(复数)致意 vt. 称赞,恭维
  • disappearancen. 消失
  • disregardn. 不理会,漠视 vt. 忽视,不顾
  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的
  • traitorn. 叛徒,卖国贼,出卖朋友者
  • executionn. 执行,实施,处决 n. 技巧,表演,演奏,杀
  • testimonyn. 证明,证据