《欲望都市Sex and the City》电影版台词翻译笔记 第4讲
日期:2009-09-29 11:33


61. I'm feeling that look on you though.我觉得它很配你.
And I am feeling that Chanel on you.那个香奈儿也很配你

62. In an effort to stay out of the house and out of trouble… 为了远离房子和麻烦

63. Maybe you're only allotted a certain amount of tears per man and I used mine up.或许我给每个男人的眼泪都是有定量的,我的眼泪已经枯竭了. Allot: (按份额)分配. use up: 用完, 耗尽.

64. It throws me so hard. 让我肝肠寸断,让我跌得很惨.

65. The subtext of that text. 这句话的潜台词. Subtext: 潜在的意思,潜台词.

66. That's what your 20s are for. 你们20几岁的人就该这样.

67. I'm using my new book advance to pay fancy decorator. 我已经提前把新书的稿费付装修费了.

68. Out with the old and in with the overpriced / new. 抛弃了旧的迎来了价格不菲的/新的。

69. I have everything I ever wanted. 我拥有了曾梦寐以求的一切.

70. You can't stop being who you are because you're afraid. 你不能因为害怕而放弃做自己.

71. As the last of the autumn leaves fell away, so did Charlotte's fear. By the time first snow fell, Charlotte got her stride back.随着秋天的最后一片叶子飘落,夏洛特的恐惧也消失了. 当第一片雪花落下, 夏洛特大步朝前. Get back: 回来, 恢复, 找回; stride: 大步走, 步幅.

72. R.S.V.P.: 源自法语,国际缩略语. Reply, if you please, 请回复

73. I pull some strings. 我拉了点关系. Pull strings: 在幕后,暗中操纵,从事幕后活动.

74. What's it gonna take? 还要怎样? Take 有花费,必须之义. It takes money to live in that town. 要住那城市得花费不少

75. You better work up a hand gesture to go with it. 最好再配合一个手势. Work up: 逐步建立,引起, 整理; go with: 伴随, 与...相配.

76. I didn't know if it was the fashion or the fact that the four of us were together again, but for the first time in a long time, I felt like myself. 我不知道是因为时装周, 还是因为我们四个又聚在了一起, 这么久以来我第一次, 感觉又回到自己.

77. Just in time for Valentine's Day. 正好赶上情人节

78. Pause for reaction. 静候反应

79. You do have time on your hands.你还真是闲得慌

80. All of our specials are romantically themed and designed to be split for two. 我们所有的特色菜都有个浪漫主题, 一式两份.

  • reactionn. 反应,反作用力,化学反应
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • striden. 步伐,一大步,大步走,进步 vt. 跨骑,跨 vi
  • stringsn. (乐器的)弦 名词string的复数形式
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • splitn. 劈开,裂片,裂口 adj. 分散的 v. 分离,分
  • gesturen. 手势,姿态 v. 作手势表达