日期:2009-06-15 13:05





Mom: Stop! What's the matter with you?

  Kevin: He started it! He ate my pizza on purpose! He knows I hate sausages and olives...

  Uncle Frank: Look what you did, you little jerk!

  Mom: Kevin, get upstairs right now.

  Kevin: Why?

  Brother: Kevin, you're such a disease.

  Kevin: shut up!

  Dad: Kevin, upstairs!

  Mom: Say good night, Kevin.

  Kevin: Good night, Kevin. Why do I always get treated like scum?
Mom: Oh, I'm sorry, this house is just crazy. We got all these extra kids running around and my brother-in-law's in from Ohio today. It's just nuts.

  Kevin: How come you didn't bring more cheese pizzas?

  Pizza boy: Nice tip, thanks a lot!

  Mom: Thanks.

  Henry: Having a reunion or something?

  Mom: No, my husband's brother transferred to Paris last summer and the kids still went to school here and I guess he missed the whole family so he's giving us this trip to Paris for the holiday...so we'll be together.

  Henry: You're taking a trip to Paris?

  Mom: Yes, we hope to leave tomorrow morning.

  Henry: Excellent, excellent.

  Mom: If you'll excuse me, this one's a little out of sorts. I'll be right back.

  Henry: Don't worry about me. I spoke to your husband already. And don't worry about your home. It's in good hands.



妈妈赶过来,气冲冲地问:“你们俩怎么回事?”(What's the matter with you?)。Kevin说,哥哥明明知道他不喜欢吃香肠(sausage)和橄榄油(olive),还故意(on purpose)吃了他的奶酪比萨。妈妈却不分青红皂白让Kevin立刻到楼上反省。Jerk是弗兰克舅舅说Kevin的,原意是性情古怪的人,这里可以说成是“小麻烦、小杠头”之类。


妈妈接着向警察亨利解释,家里太乱了,一下子多了许多孩子,是个棘手的问题(nut),因为她哥哥从俄亥俄州赶过来。文中的用法是be in from Ohio,其中的in不是通常理解的“在里面”,而是“在家、已经到达”的意思;nut本意是坚果,这里指不好解决的、闹心的问题。送比萨的小男孩在回答Kevin关于下次多送些奶酪比萨的建议时,回答说“Nice tip”,tip这里的意思就是“暗示、提示”。

下面出现的亨利其实是个惯偷,他表面的职业是片警。妈妈说请他谅解(excuse),要去处理一下Kevin的问题,其中,be out of sorts是个惯用的短语,意思是“不守规矩的”。之后,妈妈向亨利解释圣诞节全家都要去巴黎以后,他保证说,你们家会被照料得很好。be in good hands本意是在可靠的人手里,这里一语双关,实际亨利心里正在打着坏主意——圣诞节来家里行窃。

  • frankadj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的 vt. 免费邮寄,使自
  • spokev. 说,说话,演说