6)Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
①Roosevelt became the U.S. president in 1932. He had a sure sense of what seemed practical or possible. He was a great communicator, able to talk to people in all walks of life. His fireside chatsover the radio were listened to by millions of people.罗斯福于1932年成为美国总统,他能准确辨别什么是现实的或可行的。他是一个伟大的交际者,能够和各界人事谈的来。他通过无线电播出的炉边谈话拥有数百万的听众。
②the New Deal: Measure of the New Deal include establishment and strengthening of government regulation and control of banking; Federal government management of relief and security system(社会救济保障体系); recovery of industry and agriculture; passage of federal labour laws; improvement of the situation of minorities and members of certain religious groups.These measures,was to save American democracy.and help overcome the most serious economic crisis of the capitalist system up to that time.新经济政策:建立和加强政府对银行的管理和控制;联邦政府对救济进行管理,建立社会救济保障体系;刺激工,农业的复苏;通过劳工法;改善少数民族和某些宗教团体成员的状况。这些措施的目的是拯救美国的民主,帮助美国克服了当时资本主义所经历的最严重的经济危机。
7)America in W W II
①The Second World War was the result of struggle between the great powers for control of the world and military expansion of the countries of Nazi Germany,Fascist Italy and militarist Japan.Isolationism before WW II and neutrality at first二战是由大国为争夺世界霸权,以及纳粹德国,法西斯主义的意大利和军国主义的日本进行军事扩张而导致的。美国第二次世界大战前的孤立主义和初期的中立政策。
②the Pearl Harbour Incident in December,1941 1941.12月的珍珠港事件
③American wartime objectives and guiding principles for wartime diplomacy美国的战时目标和战时外交的指导原则。The objectives were the total destruction of the Axis powers and the establishment of a would order after unconditional victory in accord with American ideals and interest; Two guiding principles: the first was to win the war, the second was to establish a postwar political structure in accord with American interest and to prevent the Soviet Union from over-expansion.战
④Anglo-American Strategy and differences in Europe. 英美在欧洲的战略和分歧
A Stratergy of Europe : to defeat Germany first; The second issue was poliy towards the Soviet Union.欧洲战略:先击败德国,2是对苏联的政策。
The differences: The United States was eager to take away from France and Britain their former colonies and let them become independent states. Britain did not like the America’s policy美国渴望英、法的殖民地摆脱英、法而成为独立国家。英不同意。
⑤American policy towards the Soviet Union美国对的对苏政策:1)to keep the Soviet Union in the war;2)to get the Soviet Union into the war against Japan; 3)to influence Soviet policy and to be very watchful about Soviet expansive intention.1)让苏联继续参战,2)使苏联卷入对日抗战;3)给苏联外交政策一定的影响,同时十分警惕苏联的扩张意图。
⑥Potsdam Conference(1945)波茨坦会议:showed that there were great differences among America, Britain and the Soviet Union.