Mr Hooson, however, defended Arnold as the innocent led astray by Alan's wiles:
Murray is not a university Reader, he is a photo-printer. It was he who was approached by the other man.
He has not such tendencies as Turing, and if he had not met Turing he would not have indulged in that practice.
Max Newman and Hugh Alexander were amazed that Alan should go to the stake for Arnold,
but Alexander was impressed by his "moral courage" and Newman by his "strong line".
He answered back at the judge's remarks, and he did not recant, at an occasion whose very essence was the obtaining of a confession.
Hilbert had written of Galileo that in his recantation:
"he was not an idiot. Only an idiot could believe that scientific truth needs martyrdom—that may be necessary in religion, but scientific results prove themselves in time."
But this was not a trial of scientific truth.
The verdict quivered between the old and the new dispensations, and came down for the new.
Bletchley Park scored a victory beyond its term. The state washed its hands, and handed Alan to the judgment of science.
Bletchley Park任期结束,国家把图灵交给了科学界审判。
He was placed on probation, with the condition that he "submit for treatment by a duly qualified medical practitioner at Manchester Royal Infirmary."