Form now the assemblage of classes which are not members of themselves. This is a class: is it a member of itself or not?
If it is, it is one of those classes that are not members of themselves, i.e. it is not a member of itself.
If it is not, it is not one of those classes that are not members of themselves, i.e. it is a member of itself.
Thus of the two hypotheses—that it is, and that it is not, a member of itself —each implies its contradictory. This is a contradiction.
This paradox could not be resolved by asking what, if anything, it really meant.
Philosophers could argue about that as long as they liked, but it was irrelevant to what Frege and Russell were trying to do.
The whole point of this theory was to derive arithmetic from the most primitive logical ideas in an automatic, watertight, depersonalised way, without any arguments en route.
Regardless of what Russell's paradox meant, it was a string of symbols which, according to the rules of the game, would lead inexorably to its own contradiction. And that spelt disaster.
In any purely logical system there was no room for a single inconsistency.
If one could ever arrive at '2 + 2 = 5' then it would follow that '4 = 5', and '0 = 1', so that any number was equal to 0, and so that every proposition whatever was equivalent to '0 = 0' and therefore true.
如果有人说2+2 = 5,那就能得出4=5,于是0=1,以至于任何数字都等于0,结果就是,任何等价于0=0的命题,都是正确的。
Mathematics, regarded in this game-like way, had to be totally consistent or it was nothing.
For ten years Russell and A.N. Whitehead laboured to remedy the defect.
The essential difficulty was that it had proved self-contradictory to assume that any kind of lumping together of objects could be called 'a set'.
Some more refined definition was required.
The Russell paradox was by no means the only problem with the theory of sets, but it alone consumed a large part of Principia Mathematical, the weighty volumes which in 1910 set out their derivation of mathematics from primitive logic.
The solution that Russell and Whitehead found was to set up a hierarchy of different kinds of sets, called 'types'.
There were to be primitive objects, then sets of objects, then sets of sets, then sets of sets of sets, and so on.
By segregating the different 'types' of set, it was made impossible for a set to contain itself.
But this made the theory very complicated, much more difficult than the number system it was supposed to justify.
It was not clear that this was the only possible way in which to think about sets and numbers, and by 1930 various alternative schemes had been developed, one of them by von Neumann.
The innocuous-sounding demand that there should be some demonstration that mathematics formed a complete and consistent whole had opened a Pandora's box of problems.
In one sense, mathematical propositions still seemed as true as anything could possibly be true; in another, they appeared as no more than marks on paper, which led to mind-stretching paradoxes when one tried to elucidate what they meant.
As in the Looking-Glass garden, an approach towards the heart of mathematics was liable to lead away into a forest of tangled technicalities.
This lack of any simple connection between mathematical symbols and the world of actual objects fascinated Alan.
Russell had ended his book saying, 'As the above hasty survey must have made evident, there are innumerable unsolved problems in the subject, and much work needs to be done.
If any student is led into a serious study of mathematical logic by this little book, it will have served the chief purpose for which it has been written.'
So the Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy did serve its purpose, for Alan thought seriously about the problem of 'types' — and more generally, faced Pilate's question: What is truth?