One story going around, which later turned out to be a hoax, was of an experiment supposed to measure the memory capacity of the brain by hypnotising bricklayers and asking them such questions as 'What shape was the crack in the fifteenth brick on the fourth row above the damp course in such and such a house?'.
Alan's reaction to these cybernetic tales was one of amusement.
Another point of difference lay in the fact that Wiener was openly concerned about the economic implications of cybernetic technology.
The war, for him, had not changed a conviction that machines should be made to work for people rather than vice versa.
His comment that factory robots would put the people they replaced in the position of competing against slave labour, and his daring description of the principle of competition as a 'shibboleth', put him on the extreme left of 1948 American opinion, It was no accident that on his visit to Britain Wiener had consulted the left-wing luminaries of science, J.D. Bernal and H. Levy, as well as Haldane.
But the academic debate that followed Cybernetics in Britain was not concerned with this question, nor indeed with anything to do with the use of computers, or the harnessing of wartime technology to peaceful and constructive ends, or the relative merits of cooperation and competition.
When the News Review called cybernetics a 'frightening science' it was not the economic consequences but the threat to traditional beliefs that it feared.
Post-war reaction to planning and austerity, conservative rather than commercial, was reflected in the almost Victorian terms of reference which the intellectuals also accepted.
This was true of Alan Turing as much as anyone, these were terms close to his own struggle of the 1930s over problems of thought and feeling.
Times had changed, however, and so it was not a bishop but a brain surgeon who led the British intellectual reaction to the claims of machinery to thought.
The eminent Sir Geoffrey Jefferson delivered an address, The Mind of Mechanical Man, as the Lister Oration on 9 June 1949.
Jefferson held a Chair of Neurosurgery at Manchester, and knew about the Manchester computer development from talking about it with Williams, But most of his impressions came from Wiener, whose emphasis was still placed on the similarity of the nerve-cells of the brain to the components of a computer.