Writing to von Neumann on 8 February 1946, Newman had explained that he was hoping to embark on a computing machine section here, having got very interested in electronic devices of this kind during the last two or three years.
By about 18 months ago I had decided to try my hand at starting up a machine unit when I got out.
It was indeed one of my reasons for coming to Manchester that the set-up here is favourable in several ways.
This was before I knew anything of the American work, or of the scheme for a unit at the National Physical Laboratory.
Later I heard of the various American machines, existing and projected, from Hartree and Flowers.
Once the NPL project was started it became questionable whether a further unit was wanted. My view was that in this, as in other branches of technology, basic research is wanted, which can go on without worrying about getting into production ...
Newman's intention was that mathematical problems of an entirely different kind from those so far tackled by machines might be tried, e.g. testing out (say) the 4-colour theorem or various theorems on lattices, groups, etc. ...
He explained that
Anyhow, I have put in an application to the Royal Society for a grant of enough to make a start.
I am of course in close touch with Turing.
After discussion with him, and hearing Hartree and Flowers, it seemed to me that if we start on 'mathematical' problems here, in the above sense, we ought to be able to manage with considerably less storage, though I have asked to the Royal Society to be prepared for something fairly substantial.