He could see two possible lines of development.
There was the 'instruction note' view, according to which better and better programs would be written, allowing the machine to take more and more over for itself.
He thought this should be done. But his dominant interest now lay in the 'states of mind' approach to 'building a brain'.
His guiding idea was that 'the brain must do it somehow', and that it had not become capable of thought by virtue of some higher being writing programs for it.
There must be a way in which a machine could learn for itself, according to this line of argument, just as the brain did.
He explained his view that 'intelligence' had not been wired into the brain at birth, in a passage showing the influence of his recent research into physiology and psychology:
Many parts of a man's brain are definite nerve circuits required for quite definite purposes.
Examples of these are the 'centres' which control respiration, sneezing, following moving objects with the eyes, etc: all the reflexes proper (not 'conditioned') are due to the activities of these definite structures in the brain.
Likewise the apparatus for the more elementary analysis of shapes and sounds probably comes into this category.
But the more intellectual activities of the brain are too varied to be managed on this basis.
The difference between the languages spoken on the two sides of the Channel is not due to differences in development of the French-speaking and English-speaking parts of the brain.
We believe then that there are large parts of the brain, chiefly in the cortex, whose function is largely indeterminate.
In the infant these parts do not have much effect: the effect they have is uncoordinated. In the adult they have great and purposive effect: the form of this effect depends on the training in childhood.
A large remnant of the random behaviour of infancy remains in the adult.