1. Can we afford a baby?
1. 我们养得起宝宝吗?
Babies are expensive. There are up-front costs like nursery furniture, and ongoing costs like diapers, formula and daycare. Health insurance premiums may increase, and there may be emergencies that require you to pull money from savings. Compounding the problem is the fact that your household income may decrease because maternity and paternity leave may be unpaid.
生宝宝非常耗钱,包括婴儿家具等前期费用,尿布、配方和日托等日常费用 。健康险费可能增加,还可能发生突发情况,需要从储蓄金中取钱 。更复杂的是,由于产假和陪产假期间,公司可能不发薪水,你的家庭收入也可能随之减少 。
If you are considering having children, both partners need to be transparent about their income, assets, expenses and spending habits. You should work with your spouse to come up with a monthly budget for the combined household income and expenses.
如果你们正考虑要宝宝,双方应使各自的收入、资产、开支和消费习惯透明化 。你应该与另一半共同制定出家庭的月收入支出预算 。
2. What happens if one or both parents die?
2. 如果一方或父母双方都去世了,怎么办?
While most people know they should have wills and advance medical directives, most people do not think about what their surviving spouse would need immediately in the event of their death. If the spouse who typically pays the bills were to pass, then the other spouse needs to know which bills need to be paid, have access to online accounts to be able to pay them, and have access to bank accounts from which these bills are typically paid.
虽然大多数人都知道要立遗嘱、安排预先医疗指示,但大多数人并没有考虑到,在他们去世后,他们尚存人世的另一半会需要什么 。如果负责支付固定账单的一方已朝不保夕,他/她应该告诉另一半需要支付哪些账单,账单的支付账号和密码、以及支付账单的银行账户 。
Life insurance for both parents is also a must. While many primary breadwinners have life insurance, it is equally important for a spouse who does more childcare to also have life insurance, because if that spouse were to die, then there would be increased childcare costs. I recommend talking to a certified financial planner to know just how much life insurance is needed. Finally, you need to talk to your spouse about who you would want to take care of your children in the event that you both died, and then draw up legal documents memorializing this decision.
父母双方必须缴纳人寿保险 。虽然很多家庭的养家人都有人寿保险,但对于将精力更多地集中在育儿方面的另一半而言,缴纳人寿保险也同样重要 。因为如果养家人去世了,育儿成本也会随之增加 。我建议向持证理财规划师咨询具体的保险数额 。最后,还应该聊聊双方均去世的情况下,希望孩子由谁抚养的问题,然后起草法律文件纪念这一决定 。
3. How will household chores be divided?
3. 家务活怎么分配?
Because babies and small children require around-the-clock care, tasks like cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, yard work and pet care can become overwhelming. You need to talk to your spouse about how these tasks will be divided after the baby arrives. Both spouses need to be involved in childcare, and both spouses need to do household chores.
因为婴儿和小孩子需要全天候的照顾,所以打扫、购物、洗衣服、做饭、庭院劳动和照顾宠物等家务活会让人感到无所适从 。你需要和另一半聊一聊--生完宝宝后,这些家务活该如何分工 。夫妻双方都应照顾宝宝,也都应参与家务 。