Wilkes wrote apparently in ignorance of the fact that at the NPL they already had Version VII of a detailed design, for which six months' hard work had been put into writing programs.
Even to contemplate Wilkes' proposal, as Womersley apparently did, was to undermine his own division's work.
On 10 December he passed the proposal to Alan, whose reaction was understandably brusque:
Mr Womersley:
I have read Wilkes' proposals for a pilot machine, and agree with him as regards the desirability of some such machine somewhere.
I also agree with him as regards the suitability of the number of delay lines he suggests.
The 'code' which he suggests is however very contrary to the line of development here, and much more in the American tradition of solving one's difficulties by means of much equipment rather than by thought.
I should imagine that to put his code (which is advertised as 'reduced to the simplest possible form' ) into effect would require a very much more complex control circuit than is proposed in our full-size machine.
Furthermore certain operations which we regard as more fundamental than addition and multiplication have been omitted.
It might be argued that if one is to have so little memory then it is necessary to have a complex control to make up.
In so far as this is true I would say that it is an argument for either having no pilot model, or for not using it for serious problems.
It is clearly rank folly to develop a complex control merely for the sake of the pilot model.
I favour a model with a control of negligible size which can later be expanded if desired. Only test problems would be worked on the minimal machine.