The masters did their best to discourage Alan's irrelevant interest in science, but could not stop his inventions – in particular, machines to help him in the writing problems that still plagued him:
April 1 (fool's day)
Guess and let go and the ink is sucked up and it is full. I have arranged it so that when I press a little of the ink comes down but it keeps on getting clogged.
猜猜我正在用什么写字?是我自己发明的钢笔它是这个样子的(此处有一张简陋的钢笔设计图): 你们看,按一下E点(钢笔填充管的软头),就能吸满墨水了。本来我以为轻轻挤一下就能跑出一点墨水但这好像还不太好用。
I wonder if John has seen Joan of Arc's Statue yet coz it is in Rouen. Last monday we had scouts cubs it was rather exiting there was no weeks order this week I hope John likes Rouen I don't feel much like writing much today sorry. Matron says John sent something. This provoked another couplet, about a fountain pen that 'leaked enough for four'.
听说约翰去了法国鲁昂他看到圣女贞德雕塑了吗?我希望约翰喜欢鲁昂不好意思我今天不怎么想继续写了迈顿说约翰寄了些东西。因为这支钢笔,大家又有了新的句子来形容艾伦:一支钢笔漏的墨水 够四支钢笔用半天。
Another letter in July, written in green ink which was (predictably) forbidden, described an exceedingly crude idea for a typewriter.
John's stay in Rouen was part of a general alteration in the Turing family arrangements. Before going to Marlborough, he had told his father that he would like a change from the Wards, and this was agreed. The parents found a Hertfordshire vicarage to be their home as from the summer of 1923. Meanwhile, at Easter, John had parted from his brother for the first time, going to stay with a Mme Godier in Rouen. This went quite well, and in the summer Alan ('simply longing to go there') went with him to imbibe the culture and civilisation of France for a few weeks. Alan made a great impression on the petit-bourgeoise Mme Godier. It was 'comme il est charmant' when he had been persuaded to wash behind the ears, and a telling-off for John if he had not. John loathed Mme Godier, and her fawning on Alan came as a relief, enabling him to slip off to the cinema. Both Turing boys, in fact, were singularly good-looking, with a subtle, vulnerable appeal; John rather the sharper, and Alan dreamier. The stay was not a great success. John had refused to take his bicycle this time because of the prospect of navigating wobbly Alan through the cobbled Rouen streets. So they were marooned listlessly in the maison Godier, or were obliged to take long walks. 'Il marche comme un escargot, ' declared Mme Godier of Alan, an observation which fitted Alan's snail-like progress along the gutter, but also the Turing family's picture of itself – that of the slow Turings, the gloomy Turings, always fighting on the losing side, and coming in last if not least.