Once of an evening he went out for a run and managed to break his ankle by slipping on a slime-covered brick which formed part of the garden path, just as he was getting into his stride. He had to be sent off in an ambulance to have it set in hospital.
But at other times the Prof delighted everyone by winning the sports day race, and by defeating the young Alan Wesley (another of the March intake) who rashly challenged him to a circuit of the large field.
At lunchtimes, they would gather in the mess, and look at the newspapers: the Daily Mirror first, for the comic strip Jane.
Don Bayley, who was very keen on military matters, might tell them about the developing strategy of the eastward moving armies, while Alan might hold forth on some topic of a scientific or technical flavour, such as why water was opaque to electromagnetic radiation of the radar wavelength, or how a rocket could accelerate its own fuel quickly enough.
They would sometimes go for lunchtime walks together, Timothy the cat accompanying them.
Robin Gandy was learning Russian—not because of his earlier membership of the Communist party (which had lapsed in 1940), but because of his admiration for the Russian classics.
Robin still considered himself a fellow-traveller, and in this respect 1941 had not changed Alan's view that he was quite misguided.
But there was little discussion of politics at Hanslope, where the prevailing attitude was that of doing the job without asking questions.