日期:2019-05-07 18:24


Although the wartime spirit lived on amongst the huts and bombsites of 1946, the ACE section did not flower with the camaraderie of Hut 8, or the quite remarkable rapport that Alan had established with Don Bayley.
Mike Woodger came back from sick leave in September and found a note on his desk asking him to program BURY and UNBURY.
The relationship continued in this master-and-servant way.
Alan liked the earnest, rather nervous Mike Woodger, and tried to be kind, but hid it under what appeared as an abrupt, rather frightening manner.
He probably did not realise the awe with which he was regarded by young people like Mike Woodger, just starting on a career.
He was impatient of slowness, and could not use his imagination to make communication more effective.
Jim Wilkinson was older and more experienced than Mike Woodger, but he too found many days when it was better to keep out of the way of the now somewhat isolated 'creative anarchy' that was Alan Turing.
'Likeable, almost lovable ...but some days depressed', he appeared; his mercurial temperament and his emotional attitude to his work showing clearly.
It was at about this time that Alan got the long-promised promotion to Senior Principal Scientific Officer, and he took Jim Wilkinson and Leslie Fox from Goodwin's department out to a celebration dinner in London.
The train journey was spoilt by a sultry row over some mathematics, and then, as they arrived at Waterloo, the clouds cleared and he was buoyant again.
