Alan's first task was to write a report1, setting out a detailed design of an electronic universal machine, and an account of its operation.
Surprisingly, the report that he submitted did not contain mention of Computable Numbers.
Instead, it referred to the Draft Report on the EDVAC, with which his report was to be read 'in conjunction'.
However, the ACE proposal was effectively self-contained, and its roots lay not in the EDVAC, but in his own universal machine.
Some fragmentary notes, dating from this early period, made this clear:
...In 'Computable Numbers' it was assumed that all the stored material was arranged linearly,
so that in effect the accessibility time was directly proportional to the amount of material stored, being essentially the digit time multiplied by the number of digits stored.
This was the essential reason why the arrangement in 'Computable Numbers' could not be taken over as it stood to give a practical form of machine.
It was also implicit in an opening paragraph of the report he now wrote, which explained how new problems would be 'virtually only a matter of paper work', with examples, and said:
It may appear somewhat surprising that this can be done.
How can one expect a machine to do all this multitudinous variety of things?
The answer is that we should consider the machine as doing something quite simple, namely carrying out orders given to it in a standard form which it is able to understand.