Indeed, it was exactly a hundred years from the conception of the Analytical Engine, until there were substantially new developments either in the theory or in the construction of such a universal machine.
On the side of theory, 1937 saw the publication of Computable Numbers, which made all these ideas precise, explicit, and conscious.
On the practical side, there had been the inevitable Looking Glass war as the revived and expanding electrical industry of the 1930s provided rival powers with new opportunities.
The first development had, in fact, occurred in 1937 Germany, at the Berlin home of K. Zuse, an engineer who had rediscovered many of Babbage's ideas, though not that of conditional branching.
Like the Babbage machine his first design, which was actually built in 1938, was mechanical and not electrical.
But he had avoided the thousands of meshing ten-spoke gear wheels that Babbage had demanded, by the simple expedient of having his machine work in binary arithmetic.
This was not a deep theoretical advance, but from any practical point of view it was an immense simplification.
It was also a liberation from the usual engineer's assumption that numbers had to be represented in the decimal way.
Alan had used the same idea at the same time in his 1937 electric multiplier.
Zuse had quickly moved on to construct further versions of his machine which made use of electromagnetic relays rather than mechanical elements.
Zuse calculators were used in aircraft engineering but not in code-breaking; it was argued that the war would be over too soon.
Short-term Nazism left Zuse in 1945 desperately trying to save his work from destruction.