On seeing Aiken's machine at Harvard, Womersley had written home to his wife that he saw it as 'Turing in hardware'.
And thus it was that in June 1945, according to his account:
JRW meets Professor M.H.A. Newman. Tells Newman he wishes to meet Turing. Meets Turing same day and invites him home.
JRW shows Turing the first report on the EDVAC and persuades him to join NPL staff, arranges interview and convinces Director and Secretary.
Alan would be appointed a Temporary Senior Scientific Officer at 800 pounds per annum.
Don Bayley, when told of this, did not think much of the rank, but Alan told him that it was the highest to which they could recruit, and that he had been assured of a promotion within a few weeks.
It was not quite 'Fivepence farthing for one—twopence for two', as of the eggs that the Sheep offered Alice in the Looking Glass shop,
but at 600 pounds for naval Enigma, and 800 pounds for the digital computer, the British government had certainly acquired a bargain in Alan Turing.
Alan claimed that Womersley had asked him whether he knew 'the integral of cos x' which as Don Bayley immediately said, was a ludicrously trivial question to ask any prospective SSO, let alone a B-star Wrangler.
艾伦说,沃默斯问他是否知道cos x的积分,唐·贝利立刻说,这个问题对于未来的高级科学官员来说简直太可笑了。
'Ah', said Alan, in a joke against his own capacity for carelessness, 'but what if I had got it wrong?