They had begun in 1941 with the Vocoder, and tried to adapt it to their purpose by approximating its eleven outputs as being either 'on' or 'off'.
This, however, resulted in a 'badly mutilated' speech signal.
Accordingly they had abandoned the simple binary 'on or off of the Vernam cipher, and instead approximated the Vocoder outputs not by two possible levels, but by six.
The effect was to encode the speech-signal as a total of twelve streams of 'base six' digits, like 041435243021353....
Each such stream would then be added in modular fashion to a similar but random key sequence, and the result transmitted.
At the other end the identical key would be subtracted, and the speech reconstituted.
The speech signal was to be sampled for its 'levels' fifty times a second, which meant that the transmission was roughly equivalent to sending 300 teleprinter characters a second.
They had succeeded in devising the equivalent of a one-time pad system for speech.
The development was given the intriguing name of 'Project X' or the 'X-system'.
By November 1942 an experimental model had been installed at New York and tested with5 'a synthetic set of signals from a signal generator that had previously been sent to England'.
In January 1943 they were beginning to assemble the first model intended for operational use.