日期:2019-01-20 19:23


But in describing the Turing machines ten years before, he had also justified his formalisation of the idea of 'mechanical' with a complementary argument, that of the 'instruction note'.
This put the emphasis not on the internal workings of the brain, but upon the explicit instructions that a human worker could follow blindly.
In 1936 such 'instruction notes' had entered his experience through the rules of Sherborne School, other social conventions, and of course in the mathematical formulae that one could apply 'without thinking'.
But in 1945 a great deal of water had flowed under the bridge, and the 'instruction notes' that had been somewhat fanciful in 1936, just as were the theoretical logical machines, had become exceedingly concrete and practical.
The cornucopian abundance was one of messages 'based on a machine and broken on a machine', and these machines were Turing machines, in which the logical transformation of symbols was what mattered, not physical power.
And in designing such machines, and in working out processes that could be given to people acting like machines—the 'slaves'—they had effectively been writing elaborate 'instruction notes'.
This was a different, but not incompatible, approach to the idea of 'brain'.
It was the interplay between the two approaches that perhaps fascinated Alan most—just as at Bletchley there had been a constant play between human intelligence, and the use of machines or 'slave' methods.
His 'weight of evidence' theory had shown how to transfer certain kinds of human recognition, judgment and decision into an 'instruction note' form.
His chess-playing methods did the same thing—as did the games on the Colossi—and posed the question as to where a line could be drawn between the 'intelligent' and the 'mechanical'.
His view, expressed in terms of the imitation principle, was that there was no such line, and neither did he ever draw a sharp distinction between the 'states of mind' approach and the 'instruction note' approach to the problem of reconciling the appearances of freedom and of determinism.
