According to experts, it would seem that eating the skin of fruit and veg could help improve your mood, make you look forever young ?(maybe) and even kick cancer. Various studies seem to have confirmed this, with fruits such as banana, kiwi and even pineapple in the list of fruits which should keep their skins ON to reap all the benefits.
专家表示,吃水果皮、蔬菜皮或能让心情变好、看上去更年轻--甚至可能抵抗癌症 。各种研究似乎已证实了这一点:香蕉、猕猴桃、甚至是菠萝等水果都属于应该连皮一起食用的水果,这样才能获得最大好处 。
Save your fingernails and eat the whole fruit, peel and all. According to a 2004 study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food ?Chemistry, powerful antioxidants called super flavonoids found in orange and tangerine peels can reduce levels of total cholesterol and "bad" LDL cholesterol, without lowering the "good" HDL levels.
给手指省点事吧--吃橙子不要剥皮 。2004年发表在《农业与食品化学杂志》上的一篇研究表明,橙子和橘子皮中发现的称作超级黄酮类化学物的强效抗氧化剂可降低总的胆固醇水平和"坏的"低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,同时不会降低"有益"高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平 。
Antioxidants mop up damaging free radicals which are produced by our bodies when we breathe and eat and are linked to disease. Ones obtained from the peel were 20 times more powerful than those from the juice. "The same goes for all citrus fruits," says nutritionist Anita Bean.
当我们呼吸和吃东西的时候,抗氧化剂会清除身体产生的有害自由基,同时抗氧化剂也与疾病相关 。橙皮含有的抗氧化剂功效是橙汁含有的20倍 。"所有柑橘类水果皆如此,"营养学家安妮塔·贝恩说道 。
Peeling the skin off an apple means throwing away the fibre. "Almost half the vitamin C lies within the skin's surface so you're losing that too," Anita says. "And most of the fragrance cells are in the skin, so you can have a tasteless fruit if you peel it."
削苹果皮意味着扔纤维素 。"苹果皮表面含有近一半的维生素C,所以削皮也会扔掉维C,"安妮塔说道 。"而且,大多数的芳香细胞也存在于苹果皮中,所以若削掉苹果皮,苹果可能就食而无味了 。"
Red apple skins are particularly rich in anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that may protect against several types of cancer, in particular prostate cancer. Yellow apple skins contain carotenoids like betacarotene which help maintain healthy eyes, combat cancers and protect against heart disease.
红苹果皮含有大量的花青素,这是一种预防多种癌症的抗氧化剂,尤其能预防前列腺癌 。黄色的苹果皮含有类胡萝卜素,如β-胡萝卜素,有助于保护眼睛、抵抗癌症、预防心脏病 。
The core don't contain higher levels of antioxidants but are an excellent source of soluble fibre to help stabilise blood sugar and aid digestion.
苹果核含有的抗氧化剂含量不高,但却是可溶性纤维的良好来源,有助于稳定血糖、促消化 。
According to a 2003 report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, garlic skin is recognised for having powerful antioxidant properties, and researchers from the Wakunaga Pharmaceutical company in Japan identified six antioxidant compounds within its skin.
2003年发表在《农业与食品化学杂志》上的一篇报道表明,大蒜皮具有强效抗氧化特性,日本Wakunaga制药公司的研究员发现,大蒜皮含有6种抗氧化剂 。
"Peeling garlic removes phenylpropanoid ?antioxidants found in the skin which help fight the ageing process and protect the heart," explains Anita.
"剥掉大蒜皮会带走苯丙醇--大蒜表皮含有的一种抗氧化剂,有助于抗衰老、保护心脏健康,"安妮塔解释道 。