But he considerably amplified this idea in a talk given a year later in February 1947, in words which explained the origin of the ACE as he himself perceived it:
Some years ago I was researching on what might now be described as an investigation of the theoretical possibilities and limitations of digital computing machines.
I considered a type of machine which had a central mechanism and an infinite memory which was contained on an infinite tape.
This type of machine appeared to be sufficiently general.
One of my conclusions was that the idea of a 'rule of thumb' process and a 'machine process' were synonymous.
The expression 'machine process' of course means one which could be carried out by the type of machine I was considering...
Machines such as the ACE? may be regarded as practical versions of this same type of machine. There is at least a very close analogy.
Digital computing machines all have a central mechanism or control and some very extensive form of memory.
The memory does not have to be infinite, but it certainly needs to be very large.
In general the arrangement of the memory on an infinite tape is unsatisfactory in a practical machine,
because of the large amount of time which is liable to be spent in shifting up and down the tape to reach the point at which a particular piece of information required at the moment is stored.