They were only just in time and, had they fallen behind by a few months, might never have caught up. In the spring of 1940 it was particularly precarious,
as they held on with a mixture of ingenuity and intuition—or as the military were likely to call it, sheer bloody guesswork.
Guessing and hoping were entirely characteristic of current British operations.
The government had little more idea of how a war could be won, or even of what was happening, than did the public.
It seemed that the British and German armed forces had, after all, agreed to have a battle again,
but the British Tweedledee was decidedly reluctant to be the one to start, and the German Tweedledum expected it all to be over by six o'clock.
Tweedledee's weaponry was still concealed behind Chamberlain's umbrella.
The Red King was snoring on the square to the east, and no one (not even at Bletchley) knew what he was dreaming of.
The blockade was supposed to bring an already 'stretched' Germany to crack from within, if only Britain could 'hold out'.
Half desired, half dreaded by the British rulers, was the reappearance of the Monstrous Crow, currently flapping ambiguously on the other side of the Atlantic.