One clue was 'Role of wily Franciscan', which wittily attracted the party into the bathroom that Francis Price and Shaun Wylie shared, to locate the next clue in the toilet paper.
Shaun Wylie himself was amazingly good at anagrams.
There were charades and play-readings, in which Alan joined.
At lunchtimes they would play chess and Go and another game called Psychology.
Tennis began as the snow melted, and the hockey was energetically continued.
'Virago Delenda Est', wrote Francis Price on the notice board as they set off for an away match, and some bolder spirit crossed out the first 'a'.
On the playing-fields of Princeton, from which in May 1937 they watched the flames of the Hindenburg illuminate the horizon, the new men rehearsed an Anglo-American alliance.
Alan enjoyed all this, but his social life was a charade.
Like any homosexual man, he was living an imitation game, not in the sense of conscious play-acting, but by being accepted as a person that he was not.
The others thought they knew him well, as in conventional terms they did; but they did not perceive the difficulty that faced him as an individualist jarring with the reality of the world.
He had to find himself as a homosexual in a society doing its best to crush homosexuality out of existence;
and less acute, though equally persistent as a problem in his life, he had to fit into an academic system that did not suit his particular line of thought.
In both cases, his autonomous self-hood had to be compromised and infringed.