Unilever brought its Rexona deodorant to China a decade ago, dreaming of a market with 2.6 billion armpits.
But cultural differences and simple biology - scientists have shown that many East Asian people don't have Westerners' body odor issues - scotched those plans.
Today, by some estimates, less than 10% of China's population uses deodorant, and it can be hard to find outside major cities.
"The traditional thinking here is that sweating is good because it helps people detox," said Lucia Liu, a skin care assistant manager at Unilever. "There is a marketing barrier that is really hard to overcome."
There's another reason few Chinese consumers buy deodorant: basic biology.
Scientists in recent years have shown that many Chinese have a gene that lowers the likelihood of a strong "human axillary odor (body stink)" and that lowers the likelihood that they will use deodorant.