Long have women and men sought after an ethereal glow and eternally young skin. Many have professed a willingness to die for it and many actually ‘have’ in the search for a miracle cosmetic. Throughout the ages we have unknowingly slathered our complexions in a nefarious barrage of deadly chemicals and taken lethal doses of beauty medications. Here are some of the most shocking and scandalous cosmetic disasters through the centuries. Check out the 3 poisonousbeauty products once used –
男性和女性一直以来都在追求柔美的亮泽光感和永葆年轻的肌肤 。很多人坦诚愿意为之献出生命,还有很多人在寻找能带来奇迹的化妆品 。多年来,不知不觉之中,我们为了增亮肤色而使用了大量致命的化学物质和美容药物 。这里是一些几个世纪以来最令人震惊的化妆品灾难 。让我们看一下过去用过的3种有毒化妆品 。
1.Lead Based Eye Paint
In the Egyptian Era, women and men alike longed for a dramatic accentuated eye. They achieved this sought-after-look by meticulously tracing a thick line of lead based eye paint around the entire eye. Over time the poisonous concoction would most certainly cause severe eye irritation. Yet, this eye paint also had the potential to bring on mental degeneration and even death if one were so vain to use it every day.
在埃及时代,人们都渴求一双引人注目的深邃眼眸 。因此,他们细致地用含铅眼线刷在眼部周围画上粗粗的线条 。经常使用这种有毒的调和物一定会对眼部产生刺激性危害 。而且,如果一个人每天都虚荣地涂抹这种眼部涂料,它也会带来潜在的心理退化甚至是死亡 。
2.Lead Laced Face Cream
In the Roman Era lead laced face creams were all the rage for fixing any and every complexion ailment. One of the most poisonous beauty products of all time, lead cream masks also became wildly popular in this era. Unfortunately, the ingredients in the cream couldn’t have been good for the skin. It was the crushed lead they had used to create the white color in the creams that caused it to be poisonous. The ingredients in the face cream without the lead powder were basic. The elements the creams contained, such as animal fats (similar to modern day lanolin) and starches, where actually healthy for the skin. Yet over time the lead laced cream would take its toll on the user causing unsightly facial sores and lead poisoning.
在罗马时代,含铅面霜被狂热地用来调理面部 。毒性最强的化妆品之一——含铅面膜也在这一时期大为流行 。不幸的是,面霜里的成分对肌肤没有益处 。那些用于美白的铅粉是有毒性的 。在面霜中,除了铅粉,其他成分都是基础性成分 。比如动物脂肪(与现代的羊毛脂相似)和凝胶,都是对肌肤十分有益的 。长时间使用含铅面霜会对人产生危害,导致脸部溃疡甚至铅中毒 。
3.Red Lipstick or Lead Lipstick?
This is the one that hits closest to home. Believe it or not many red lipsticks today still have a deadly secret. It’s one of the most poisonous beauty products that was used and is still used today. In 2007 hundreds of our favorite red hues were pulled off of the market for containing high levels of lead. The lead in the lip hues are measured by parts per million, which may make this seem like a mute fact. But in actuality the consumption of the minuscule amounts of lead overtime builds up in the human body creating a plethora of health issues. Hopefully, after the find in 2007 the FDA has stepped up and is heavily regulating and testing to ensure our safety.
这是很普遍的化妆品 。信不信由你,现在的红色唇膏仍有一个致命的秘密 。它是一直以来最有毒性的化妆品之一 。2007年,我们最喜爱的红色唇膏因为含铅量过高被退出市场 。红色唇膏的铅含量为百万分之几,看起来好像颇有争议 。实际上,极小量的铅元素在人体内日积月累也会诱发很多健康隐患 。有希望的是,在2007年的结果公开后,美国食品及药物管理局有关部门介入,通过加强管理和监测来确保我们的健康安全 。