The strength was that every message, after the first six letters, was enciphered on a different setting.
The weakness was that for one day, all the operators in the network would be using exactly the same state of the machine for the first six letters of their messages.
Worse, those six letters always represented the encipherment of a repeated triplet.
It was this element of repetition that the Polish cryptanalysts were able to exploit.
Their method was to collect each day, from their radio intercepts, a list of these initial six-letter sequences.
They knew that in this list, there would be a pattern.
For if in one message the first letter were A, and the fourth letter was R, then in any other message where the first letter was A, the fourth letter would again be R.
With enough messages, they could build up a complete table, say:
First letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
第一个字母:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Fourth letter: R G Z L Y Q M J D X A O W V H N F B P C K I T S E U
第四个字母:R G Z L Y Q M J D X A O W V H N F B P C K I T S E U
There would be two further tables, connecting the second and fifth letters, and the third and sixth.