14岁少年因游戏作弊被起诉 母亲写信进行辩护
日期:2017-12-19 22:33


A mother has written a letter in defence of her 14-year-old son who is facing a lawsuit over video game cheats in the US.
Caleb Rogers is one of two people facing legal action from gaming studio Epic Games for using cheat software to play the game Fortnite.
Epic Games游戏工作室对包括迦勒·罗杰斯在内的两个人进行了法律诉讼,因为他们使用作弊软件来玩《堡垒之夜》这个游戏。
The studio says it has taken the step because the boy declined to remove a YouTube video he published which promoted how to use the software.
His mother says he is a scapegoat. 'This company is in the process of attempting to sue a 14-year-old child,' she wrote in the letter which has been shared online.

14岁少年因游戏作弊被起诉 母亲写信进行辩护

Ms Rogers added that she had not given her son parental consent to play the game as stated in its terms and conditions, and that as the game was free to play, the studio could not claim loss of profit as a result of the cheats.
"It is my belief that due to their lack of ability to curve cheat codes and others from modifying their game, they are using a 14-year-old child as a scapegoat to make an example of him," she said.
In a statement given to the website Kotaku, Epic Games said the lawsuit was a result of Mr Rogers "filing a DMCA counterclaim to a takedown notice on a YouTube video that exposed and promoted Fortnite Battle Royale cheats and exploits."
Epic Games在网站Kotaku上发表的一份声明中则指出,提起法律诉讼的原因是罗杰斯在一个YouTube视频的可移除标签上写下了涉及DMCA的反诉内容,这段视频展示并推广了《堡垒之夜》外挂软件。
Epic is not OK with ongoing cheating or copyright infringement from anyone at any age, it said.
