When it comes to raising girls, moms often get most of the pressure and the credit. Whether regarding menstrual issues, boy problems, or makeup tips, mom is usually the first person girls turn to. This side-lining of dads is prevalent in pop culture as well - many popular TV shows often portray dads as bumbling buffoons when it comes to "girl stuff." All of this can leave dads feeling marginalised or helpless and, even worse, can prevent girls from getting all the benefits of a tight bond with their father. Dads aren't moms, this is true, and that is exactly why daughters need them.
在抚养女儿一事上,母亲总是承受着最大的压力,但也承受着最多的赞美 。不管是经期问题、男孩问题或化妆技巧,女孩儿想到的第一个人就是妈妈 。在流行文化中,父亲也只是起着陪衬的作用--在"女孩子问题"方面,很多流行的电视节目经常将父亲描绘成一个笨拙的小丑 。所有这些都会使得父亲有种被边缘化或无助的感觉,更糟糕的是阻碍了女儿获得与父亲亲密无间的好处 。父亲不是母亲,这是事实,但正因如此,女儿才需要父亲 。
A lot has changed for dads over the past few generations, says Gary Brown, Ph.D., a licensed marriage and family therapist in Los Angeles. "Seventy-five years ago, fathers weren't even allowed in the delivery room; now, dads are there from the very beginning," he says. "Fathers today are much more informed and involved with their children, taking an active part in the nurturing of their children, from feeding - whether expressed breast milk or formula - to changing diapers, soothing, clothing, bathing, reading to, and helping their baby go to sleep."
过去几十年,父亲的角色发生了很大转变,洛杉矶的持证婚姻与家庭治疗师格雷·布朗博士说道 。"75年前,人们甚至都不让父亲进产房;现在,孩子还没生,父亲就在产房里了,"他说道 。"而今的父亲对孩子了解的更多,互动也更多,积极地抚养着自己的孩子,从喂奶--不管是挤出的母乳还是奶粉--到换尿布、安抚孩子、穿衣服、洗澡、给他们讲故事、哄他们睡觉 。"
This parenting paradigm shift has led to significant benefits for both dads and daughters, he says. By being an integral part of these early years, dads have the opportunity to form a significant bond with their infant daughters, creating a healthy inter-dependency and helping their daughters recognize them as a consistent source of nurturing, safety, protection, respect, and love. This provides a secure base from which a girl learns to explore the world and interact with others.
他说,这一育儿模式的转变给父亲和女儿都带来了显著的益处 。成为女儿成长初期的一部分,父亲就有机会与女儿形成一种意义非凡的纽带,创造一种相互依赖的关系,帮助女儿意识到:父亲永远都是她们的养育人、会保护她们的安全,值得她们去爱、去尊重 。这让女孩子有一种安全感,赋予她们探索世界、与人交往的力量 。
As daughters age into the school years, dads become even more important to their physical, psychological, and social health. "It would be difficult to overstate the powerful influence that fathers have in the shaping of their daughters' views about their own self-image, values, sexuality, relationships, and their right to determine the course of their own lives," Dr. Brown explains.
随着女儿渐渐长大,到了上学的年纪,父亲对她们身心健康、社会健康方面的影响也越来越重要 。"父亲对女儿塑造自我形象、价值观、性生活、恋情和决定自己人生的权利等方面有着重要影响,这些影响是很难夸大的,"布朗博士解释道 。
The research backs him up. And girls with involved fathers are also far less likely to go hungry, to live in poverty, and to have better physical health, according to a second study done by Rutgers.
研究也支持了他的观点 。罗格斯大学的第二项研究表明:和父亲关系好的女生也不太容易饿或生活贫困,身体也更加健康 。