1. Room tidying competition
1. 打扫房间比赛
Yes, really! This mutually beneficial activity can actually be fun if approached in the right way. It also mean your little ones get to make as much mess as they like beforehand. Netmums suggest: "You can set a timer or simply count loudly until they have finished their tidying and the winner can choose what activity you do next. Genius."
对,是真的!如果方式正确,这一互利的活动会变得特别有趣 。这也意味着你们家的小家伙可以在打扫之前把家里搞得一团糟 。Netmums建议:"在他们打扫干净之前,你可以计时或是大声的数一二三,赢家可以选择他们想做的任何事情 。真是天才想法!"
2. Treasure hunt
2. 寻宝游戏
Another great activity that taps into a child's curiosity and competitive streak. See above on how you can get them to clear up the mess they inevitably make. Realsimple have some lovely, simple pointers: "Make one set of clues for every player (try rhyming the clues for fun), each clue leading to the next one and, finally, to the treasure.
这是另一个很赞的游戏:能触发孩子的好奇心和竞争倾向 。看看第一条你就知道该如何让他们收拾自己弄得乱糟糟的家了 。Realsimple有一些可爱而又简单的指针:"为每一个玩家设定一组线索(可以令线索押韵,这样更有趣) 。每条线索都指向下一条线索,最终,找到宝藏 。"
Seal them in envelopes marked with a clue number (i.e., 2/7, or "two of seven"); this will help the treasure hunters keep track. "
将线索放在信封中,信封外面写上线索数字(例如,2/7或七个当中的第二个);这会让寻宝者一直处于"在线"状态 。
3. Pizza party
3. 披萨派对
Another mutually beneficial activity where your kids get to be creative and you get to eat pizza. Win-win. The lovely folk at BBC Good Food have a recipe on their website with child-friendly instructions they can follow. Which means they'll be that little bit more proud of their finished product. To make it an extra-special occasion, why not turn it into an indoor picnic?
这是另一个互利的游戏:你的孩子能发挥创造力,而你又能吃到披萨 。双赢啊!BBC美食可爱的工作人员在他们的网站上发了食谱,指导孩子该如何去做 。做完之后,孩子会对自己的成品更加自豪 。想要使其成为一次尤为特殊的场合?试试室内野餐吧!
4. Make a magazine or newspaper
4. 做杂志或报纸
Don't worry if you don't keep old copies around the house. You can also give your kids a list of fun topics, scenarios and characters to cover which they have to illustrate. If you do have old magazines and newspapers, Netmums have an original take on this activity which will make it a little more interesting.
如果家里没有旧报纸,你也不必担心 。你可以给孩子列出一些有趣的话题、场景和角色,让他们根据这些内容描述 。如果家里有旧杂志或旧报纸,Netmums对这一活动有独特见解,能使其更加有趣 。
"Another idea is to use different eye/face/hair/body cut outs and mix them up to create some comical looking collages."
"另一个想法就是将不同的眼睛/脸/头发/身体图案混合起来,创造一些类似动漫的拼贴画 。"
5. Playing the old man
5. 扮演老人
"I pretend that I'm a very old man who can't move and who has an important story to tell, but I can only remember the story by looking at various objects that the kids bring back to me."
"我假装自己是位不能走路的老人,要讲很重要的故事 。但只有看到孩子们拿给我的不同东西时,我才能记起这个故事 。"